Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Ferguson Experiment

Who Will Show Up?

The authorities investigating the shooting of a black thug in Ferguson, Missouri are about to release their findings.  These authorities include federal snoops, federal race baiters from the DOJ, grand juries, and even the DA's office.

They have tried strenuously to find fault with the officer who shot that thug.  According to rumors, they have failed to uncover any violations or culpability, and their release of these findings is expected any day now.

Many expect there to be riots in the streets.  By whom?

Not by anyone who cares about the rule of law, that's certain.  No, if there are riots, they will be by the following types of people:
1.  Kool-aid drinking followers of the professional race baiters (the Sharptons, Farrakhans, and Jacksons, for example.  Oh, and let's not forget the Race Baiter in Chief, Mr. Barack Hussein Obama who sent three DOJ officials to convey his condolences at the funeral of that thug.  It's easy to determine where his sympathies lie.)
2.  People looking for an excuse to steal from businesses.
3.  People looking for an excuse to get away with property destruction and personal violence.
4.  People angry that someone doesn't give them for free what someone else worked to earn.

What do the above types of people have in common, speaking statistically here - acknowledging there will be some exceptions?
1.  They would not be rioting if the thug had been white.
2.  The rule of law does not matter to them.  What matters is skin color and opportunities to loot.
3.  Aside from the professional race baiters, the crowd will be predominantly made up of the functionally illiterate, the unemployed, public school graduates and drop-outs, and - dare I say it? - black.

If the above predictions come about, and I hope they do not - then the black community at large will have to answer for their failure to find constructive ways to address the racism within their own ranks, and cure it.

Will they?  

Thursday, September 11, 2014


Let's Look At This Logically

You knew your beloved Ostrich Killer would step up and figure this out for the rest of the world, didn't you?  Okay, you were right.  So for the folks who never read this blog, here is how things are:

First, we have Roger Goodell saying to the best of his knowledge, before Monday no one in the NFL Commissioner's office received or had seen the tape we've all seen now.

Next, we have a 'police official' saying that he sent the tape to the NFL Commissioner's office, and he plays a 12-second tape of a conversation that he says proves someone - a female - in the commissioner's office had watched it.

Here are the choices:
1.  Both are lying.  This is actually impossible, as a moment's thought will make obvious.  So let's reject this possibility.
2.  The 'police official' is lying.  If so, then the taped phone conversation is also a fake.  
3.  Roger Goodell is lying.
4.  Neither is lying.

Your Ostrich Killer is coming down on the side of saying that the truth lies behind door number 4 - neither is lying.

Why?  Goodell is an honorable person, based solely on his record.  One has to assume that a police official would also be honorable.  So if both are being truthful, what actually happened?

Someone in the NFL Commissioner's office short-stopped that video.  And my money is on the guess that this person is the source of the video that wound up in the hands of TMZ, probably for a high price.

Anyone who has ever worked in a large organization knows perfectly well that information does not always flow freely, due either to negligence or agenda-polishing - an agenda such as lining one's pockets, as is likely in this case.  

There you have it.  When this is all sorted out, here is what you will see:

1.  A person in the NFL Commissioner's office will be identified as the person who failed either purposely or negligently to forward that video to Roger Goodell.  That person will be fired.  Anyone else in the commissioner's office who knew of the video will be fired.  The head of that particular department in the commissioner's office will be fired.
2.  Roger Goodell, being honorable, will offer his resignation because a leader is responsible for all an organization's successes and failures.  It is not a sure thing that the owners will accept his resignation.  If he did not lie, where is his failure?
3.  TMZ will raise their advertising rates.

See?  Simple.  Three cups of coffee is a true clarifier.  You're welcome.

Tuesday, September 09, 2014



1.  Michael Sam
The Dallas Cowboys picked him up and put him on their practice squad.  Why?  Yes, it is true that the Cowboys are bereft of talent.  But there are dozens or even hundreds of released players who could have been chosen for that same position.  Why Sam?  Unpleasant rumors abound that the NFL brought discreet pressure to bear for SOMEONE to pick him up.  If so, why?  Your Ostrich Killer has a possible answer - and it is one word: pandering.  Your Ostrich Killer has another question: what incentives were offered to the team that picked him up, if in fact the NFL did bring pressure to bear?  Your Ostrich Killer hopes these rumors are unfounded and that Sam made the squad on his merits, but it will take someone more credible than the NFL's disgraced commissioner or hired mouthpieces to convince me that the NFL is NOT engaging in player selection and social engineering, neither of which is appropriate.

2. Ray Rice
The NFL knew.  They were dragged kicking and screaming to doing the right thing after the rest of the world saw the video and left them no other choice.  Ditto the Ravens.  So now not only Rice, but his wife - his fiancee in the video, who forgave him and married him afterward - are being severely punished.  Part of your Ostrich Killer cynically thinks that she is being punished as severely as he is.  Isn't she?  The NFL has reached a low.

3. Ray McDonald
Felony domestic violence against his pregnant fiancee.  49ers say they will allow him to play until the legal system makes it impossible to play him.  The DA has not announced whether or not there will be charges.  Don't expect any announcement to come soon; this is a situation where it pays to drag the legal feet, if you're a 49er fan.  Not saying the DA is such a fan, but I'm saying this decision seems to be taking an inordinate amount of time, and one cannot help but wonder why.  How is McDonald different than Ray Rice?  McDonald has not been convicted in a court of law like Rice was.  Again, the NFL is SILENT and not smelling like a rose here.  And Hey Jim - show some character and don't play him.

4.  Drug Rules
This is easy, so I'll write it for the NFL:  Any federally illegal substance found during testing will result in immediate suspension for the next eight games, no matter how high or low the concentration.  Second offenses will result in automatic suspension for rest of the calendar year and the following full season including playoffs.  Other specified 'federally legal' substances (such as HGH) are also prohibited and violation penalties are the same as the illegal substance punishments.  Don't like this rule?  Then as a player, don't sign the collective bargaining agreement.  Go sell used cars in Washington state instead, the standards are lower there.

This sort of rule will help set an example worthy for children to emulate.  Note to NFL players:  watch who you hang out with.  Second-hand or 'spiked' anything will not be an excuse.

Really, NFL.  Remember that kids are watching.  Get the sport clean, keep it clean, set a shining example and boot the assholes out of it.

Third cup of coffee is ready now.  Out here.  You're welcome.

Monday, August 25, 2014



Guns and Crime:
  Story A:  Crime at all time low!
  Story B:  Gun Ownership way up!
   Hmmmm . . . .

  Story A:  Another Common Variety Street Thug Dead!
  Story B:  Race Baiter in Chief sends 3 Representatives to the funeral!
  Story C:  Race Baiter in Chief sent 0 Representatives to Margaret Thatcher's funeral!
  Story D:  Race Baiter in Chief sent 0 Representatives to beheaded journalist's funeral!
   Hmmmm . . . .

  Story A:  Obama Tells Putin:  Sending anything into Ukraine, including 'humanitarian aid', will be viewed by the US as an invasion!
  Story B:  Putin sends in stuff anyway!
    Hmmmmm . . . .

  Story A:  Carter to Deliver Keynote Address at Muslim Convention in Detroit!
   Story B:  Hamas begs the Race Baiter in Chief to stop the 'holocaust' in Gaza!
    Hmmmm . . . .

Burger King:
  Story A:  Burger King considers moving to Canada to reduce corporate taxes!
  Story B:  Race Baiter in Chief calls Burger King and companies like them 'corporate deserters who renounce their citizenships to shield profits!'  (Ostrich Killer comment:  the purpose of any business is to profit.  Ask their shareholders.  Duh.)
  Story C:  Burger King would save 46% on its corporate taxes by moving to Canada!
  Story D:  (prediction:  Burger King stock soars after move to Canada.  Other fast food companies study Burger King model.)
    Hmmmm . . . .

The Reverend Jeremiah Wright:
  Story A:  The Race Baiter in Chief's pastor for more than 20 years, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright,  says "God Damn America!"
  Story B:  The Reverend Wright's Daughter convicted of embezzling 'my brother's keeper' taxpayer-provided money.  
     Hmmmm . . . .

Do you doubt any of the above?  Does some of it seem simply absurd?  Google it.  See for yourself.

Sometimes the news just begs for this sort of fun story comparisons.  Time for a beer.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


A Man's Sport In Decline

During a pre-season game a few days ago your Ostrich Killer observed with surprise that one of the officials had tucked a pony tail up beneath the official's hat.  His surprise increased when he discovered that the official was a female.  He immediately wondered what every other red-blooded male wondered: how many snaps has she taken under center?  How many runs up the middle has she made?  How many downfield blocks has she thrown?  How many times has she been sacked?

Then your Ostrich Killer wondered if part of the qualification criteria for any NFL official candidate includes a personal history of having played football for a few years in order to have a player's insights into the game.  I don't know the answer to that, but if officials are NOT required to have played football, then of course there's no reason - other than the mothering / nurturing instinct - a female could not be such an official.  A game being regulated by officials who've never played the game has obvious issues.

Which brings us to another topic: the Richard Sherman Nullification order coming out of the NFL head office.  That order is why you are seeing so many 'illegal contact' and 'holding' calls against pass defenders this pre-season.  Penalties per game are up dramatically since last year's preseason - about double - and more since a handful of years ago.  

I don't know about most NFL game viewers, but when your Ostrich Killer watches a game where yellow flags fall out of the sky like snowflakes he starts channel surfing.  If your Ostrich Killer isn't alone in his boredom / disgust, the NFL might notice viewership numbers that don't quite reach their targets.  And that would be a good thing.

One last thought: the NFL Richard Sherman Nullification order is a guaranteed first down getter for struggling offenses.  Here's how it goes in the huddle:  "Okay guys, we need a first down.  All you receivers go out, and when you get ten yards down the field juke and swerve sneakily so that the pass defender runs into you.  That'll draw an illegal contact flag against the defender, and we'll make five yards and an automatic first down.  On Three!"

Your Ostrich Killer officially predicts this unless the NFL modifies its order.  Watch and see.  And then start channel surfing, because football is dying and it will be too painful to watch it being de-testosteroned.


Protester, Vandal, Looter

The situation in Ferguson and many others in prior history indicate that some clear distinctions are necessary concerning the above three categories of actions.  As usual, your clear-thinking and eloquent Ostrich Killer will say some things no one else is saying but everyone else is thinking, and in the process enlighten all those who never read this blog, and amuse those of you who do read this blog.  Enjoy.  LMK if you have thoughts on the matter.  So let's start.

PROTESTER: This sort of individual carries a sign and / or walks around chanting slogans.  He / she is usually accompanied by others doing similarly.  Disposition of these sorts of people:  Leave them alone to protest, so long as they don't interfere with others going about their daily activities.

VANDAL:  A vandal intentionally damages private and / or public property.  This sort of damage may include things like spray painting, breaking windows, knocking over parking meters, etc.  Often protests have a few vandals in their midst, especially if the protest is being held by liberal-thinking organizations / mobs.  Disposition of vandals: arrest them and take them to trial.  Following the trial the injured parties should take them to civil court to collect damages.

LOOTER:  The typical looter is someone who is taking advantage of a protest or riot or other civil unrest to enrich himself by stealing merchandise.  Often he / she will first vandalize a business or home, breaking in by smashing windows and doors and display cases.  He / she has no interest in the protest or riot, but pretends otherwise as he / she uses them for cover as he / she staggers out of the store under the weight of that new 55" TV or that ATM they just ripped out of the wall.  He / she is just a common thief and a detriment to society.  The proper disposition of looters:  Police should shoot them where they stand, being careful not to hit that 55" TV.  If the police are unable to shoot them all (run out of ammo, for example) the property owners should shoot them.  There would be no daily bag limit on looters, although there would need to be irrefutable proof of looting.  Today's web-linked video security cameras would be one source of such proof.  The savvy business or home owner will have such systems set up and operating, for the same reason the savvy hunter first obtains a hunting license.

There.  Not only has your Ostrich Killer defined terms, he has also provided a bonus: a practical primer to police departments and business owners everywhere.

You're welcome, all of you.  Now my second cup of coffee needs attention.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Another Common-Variety Street Thug Dead

Ho Hum.

Headline news: Police shoot and kill a robbery suspect.  The idiot suspect first assaulted, then escaped briefly, then turned and charged back at the police officer.  The police officer, after suffering a serious eye injury during the assault, shot him.  Reportedly more than a dozen witnesses confirm the injured officer's account of events.

But is that particularly news-worthy?

Frankly, it isn't.  Happens pretty often.  Shot resisting arrest after assaulting a police officer carrying out his duties.  Local news, if that.  

But wait!  The suspect was black.  


The police officer was white.

Oh.  Well that calls for deploying the professional race baiters (you know who they are - Jackson, Sharpton, Farrakhan, Chris Matthews and most of the liberal national media, and our attorney general Eric Holder) and the common-variety wannabe street thugs looking for any excuse to break into stores and steal merchandise and an ATM.  Anyone know how much money is inside an ATM?

I thought police were supposed to shoot looters.  That's the proper disposition of looters.  But I guess they've delegated that responsibility to the store owners. 

But back to the demise of Mr. Michael Brown.  He was eighteen, and aside from his sealed juvenile record, he was arrested last November for armed robbery and assault causing serious physical injury during the robbery.  

Sounds familiar.  Sounds in-character.

Every day blacks die during the commission of a crime.  The vast majority of them die at the hands of other blacks.  According to most recent stats, for every black killed by a white policeman, 60 are killed by other blacks.  Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan and Holder and the media are nowhere to be found following those events.  But let a thug die while assaulting a non-black police officer - well, I think you can figure it out.

There's money and political capital to be made by fanning the flames of racial tensions.  

Why is the color of skin so important?  Why couldn't the news headline, run in a local (because the story is not important enough to make the national news) newspaper on the third page, say something like "Robbery Suspect Killed During Assault on Police Officer" and let the matter rest there?  Because all evidence points to that situation being exactly what happened.

What happened to a media that reported the news, instead of inventing it?

I have the hopefully overly cynical suspicion that the media won't be satisfied until they can run a headline that reads something like "Police Officer Who Killed Michael Brown Hunted Down.  He and Family Slain by Black Mob."  Remembering the Tawana Brawley and Zimmerman stories and comparing them to this drags your Ostrich Killer to that cynical suspicion.  The similarities are just too compelling.  Why else publish the officer's name?  Why else publish maps to his home?

A common variety street thug is dead.  That's good for his neighborhood and society in general.  I can't wait for the tox screen to come back on him.  My guess is crank or PCP.  And I can't wait to hear what the professional race-baiters have to say about it then.  My guess is they'll keep their mouths shut.

My guess is also that both Rush and Michael Medved will speak dispassionately and logically on the matter, and be accused of racism by the race-baiters and their butt-kissing swarms of drones.

I need a second cup of coffee.  Your Ostrich Killer out for now.  

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Don't Think Your Vote Matters?

Ask The Citizens of Gaza

Many people don't vote.  Their reasons (excuses, actually) vary: 
1. I forgot.
2. Who cares? They're all the same.
3. I don't understand the issues, so I don't want to cancel the vote of someone who does.
4. I would, but why bother? The other side is going to win, according to the pollsters. (Or my side is going to win anyway, according to the pollsters.)
5.  One vote doesn't matter, and besides I have to work.

The list is much longer, but the end result is the same: that person doesn't vote.

A vote matters.

To the non-voters, I say I don't want to hear you bitching about political matters.  You haven't earned the right to complain.

In 2006 the citizens of Gaza elected a slate of Hamas candidates to run their tiny country.  Now, most of the civilized world and even some Arab countries have Hamas at the top of their Terrorist Organizations list, right there with Al Qaeda.

So the citizens voted to be run by a terrorist organization.

Now they are dying - not for the first time - from Israeli artillery and air strikes, retribution brought about because over the years the duly elected Gaza government has fired more than 10,000 rockets into Israel, trying to kill its citizens.  Hamas, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, has sent kidnap teams into Israel, terror squads into Israel.

And now Hamas is being killed by Israel.  As they die, they hide their rockets and weapons in hospitals and schools and shoot at Israeli from those facilities, hoping that Israel will strike them and kill school children and hospital patients.  Israel does.  The photos show up on their accomplice network, CNN.  Hell, Hamas shoots their own citizens if they dare to object to having rockets launched from their front yard.

Hamas wants as many of their countrymen to die as possible.  A huge pile of children's corpses would be, in their view, a triumph.

While I wonder now how many of the Gaza citizens might have voted differently had they thought more than ten seconds about who Hamas is, I have no sympathy for them.  They elected this government, now they get to reap the whirlwind.  

There are, to your otherwise lovable Ostrich Killer's thinking, no innocent voters just as there are no innocent non-voters.

But these idiots have a way to save themselves: get rid of Hamas.  Seek them out, kill them wherever they are found.  Then hold new elections and see if they can join the community of civilized nations.

Don't think a vote matters?  Many Gaza citizens might now argue with that sort of mindless bullshit thinking.

But wait, some might say.  That's Gaza.  We're Americans.

Yes, we are.  Look who is President.  Look what he is doing.  He is LITERALLY singlehandedly and in direct violation of the Constitution destroying the United States, because that is what he wants to do.  And the majority of the electorate (voters) want him to do that.  Apparently, because they elected him.  Twice.

Makes me wonder about the oft-cited wisdom of the American voter.  There is scant evidence of significant populations of such creatures in our pop-culture saturated society.

A vote matters.  Yours.  Mine.  The neighbor's. Take it seriously, and use your brain instead of your emotions.  Think.

As usual, some of my readers may wonder if I have my facts right.  As usual, they are free to verify them for themselves.  That is what Google is for.

Now, another beer.  Too late for coffee.

Saturday, July 05, 2014

World Cup Soccer Rule Changes

It's All About Player Safety

Now that the World Cup is in the quarterfinal stages, it might be time to look at some ways to improve safety for players.

Scarcely a minute goes by without a player falling to the turf clutching at himself, his face twisted into paroxysms of agony at some brutal injury or other.  This sometimes results in a free kick.  Usually that player's insensitive coach will leave the injured player in the game to carry on as best he can.

What other sport allows their players to prance about in beach attire and risk injury like soccer does?  What other sport requires players who've been grievously injured as these players apparently are, to continue playing?  None, that's what.  Not ice hockey.  Not American football, certainly.  

So your Ostrich Killer, in the hopes that his suggestions will save at least one soccer player a serious injury, proposes a few minor changes.

1.  First, there are many violent collisions.  These are dangerous.  Hockey and American football players know this, which is why they wear the equipment they wear.  So soccer players should do the same - a hockey type helmet with a faceplate to reduce the chances of concussion and fingers in the eyes.  Padding about the shoulders and thighs and rib cage and hips would be also be prudent minimums.  For more ideas on player protection, FIFA might consider consulting the Pussification Committee of the NFL.

2.  Some rule changes would help reduce the number of players being so brutally knocked to the ground.  
  A.  A player who does not rejoin play within 10 seconds after hitting the ground for any reason would be required to leave the match.  His team could replace him, but that player will not be allowed back into the match, so that medical staff can have sufficient time to do a thorough exam to determine the extent of his injuries.
  B.  A player receiving a yellow card will be required to leave the match, but can be replaced.  A red carded player will still be required to leave the match without replacement.
  C.  Any team receiving two red cards during a match will forfeit the match and suffer other penalties as the league may deem appropriate.
Again, other rule changes may benefit the players, and the NFL Pussification Committee could be a valuable resource for suggestions.

Yes, it grieves your Ostrich Killer to see the awful mayhem, the agonies so apparent on the faces of the injured, and he hopes that FIFA and other controlling bodies will adopt his modest proposals.  After all, it's for the good of the players.

Coffee calls.

Thursday, July 03, 2014



What? Obama?  Wars?  What wars?

Why, his wars on -
of course.  But you knew about them, right?  And there are many others, some of them documented in this blog's archives.  Browse among them if you're curious.

This president is doing everything in his power to act on his contempt for this country's security, economy, energy, cheap food supply, military, Constitution, privacy, traditions, and our historical way of life in general.  He is an America-hater, a person who thinks America's place as the Golden City in the Sky needs to be downgraded to Slum in the Dump.  He is doing everything he can to bring that about.  His actions are plain and there to see, to anyone who can see that the emperor has no clothing.  He has as his enablers and accomplices many in the liberal establishment in congress, and leading the department of justice.  Prosecuting him for crimes and misdemeanors will be difficult without the help of the department of justice, and you can bet they will not cooperate.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Assembling the Counter-revolutionary Forces

Federal Armies Being Amassed

Recently the Posse Comitatus laws were 'amended' by Congress to allow use of the US Military against the citizens of the United States, within the United States.  Additionally, many federal agencies are arming themselves.  The Department of Homeland Security alone has ordered two billion rounds of small arms ammo, enough for 30 years of a Vietnam-level conflict, and 2,700 mine-resistant armored personnel carriers. 

Should not the informed and engaged citizen do likewise?  Should we not acquire personal firearms and ammo stocks and otherwise prepare to join a new American revolution, should it come?  Wouldn't that be prudent?  Wouldn't that be in the American tradition?

Guns are bad, though.  Right?  Don't you hear that daily from democrats?  From liberals?  From 'progressives?'

It should come as no surprise that most democrats are anti-gun.  Democrats are big government acolytes, and big government requires citizen cooperation or submission, or - gasp - compulsion.  Compelling an armed citizenry is more difficult than compelling a disarmed citizenry.  Duh.

The framers of our Constitution, fresh from shooting tyrants in order to win our freedoms, understood that guns are for shooting tyrants.  That's why they wrote the Second Amendment as they did - to guarantee that future generations of Americans would be able to shoot tyrants again if needed.  The Second Amendment is not about making sure we can shoot Bambi or burglars.  The Second Amendment is what assures that all the other amendments stay in place.

Most democrats want to subjugate the population of this country to government rule.  That's why they are waging wars against anonymity, against personal mobility, against economical food, against energy independence, against the accumulation of wealth, against privacy, and above all against the expression of truth and thoughts.  But to subjugate a large population of armed citizens - well, how to go about it?

They implement the Czechoslovakian model

To summarize the Czechoslovakian mode., you find out where the guns are.  You do that through registration and such seemingly innocuous means as 'background checks' before allowing a purchase, or having your doctor ask your children during a sports physical if there are guns in your house, or having teachers ask the same sorts of questions, etc.  All that info goes into databases.  And our government is nothing if not able to access any databases they like.  That's why they require those questions be asked.

Next, you generate as much anti-gun sentiment as possible.  That's hard to do, except in areas where people don't hunt or sport shoot.  Big cities and their immediate suburbs, in other words.  But those areas are home to close to half of Americans.  The other half have their share of anti-gun thinkers too, although far fewer.  So to generate even more anti-gun sentiment, the democrats fan the flames of fear by leveraging every gun-related event.  They view Columbine and other such tragedies as golden opportunities, getting legislation passed that would have done nothing to prevent such tragedies but 'felt good' and satisfied the idiot citizen's wish that 'somebody do something.'  You can depend on some democrat - always a democrat, by the way - to be the first to propose new legislation following any gun-related tragedy.

Finally, you confiscate.  At first you do this by confiscating weapons from people who commit felonies.  Then you confiscate weapons from people who commit misdemeanors.  Then you confiscate from people whose medical records contain any hint of mental abnormality.  Then you confiscate from people who write blogs like this one.  You boil the confiscation frog slowly and incrementally, lest you alarm the armed populace.  You do it 'for the good of Americans.'  You take generations to do it, and you grease the skids through media and public indoctrination centers, commonly known as 'schools.'  Who needs guns, after all?  We have police to protect us.  So give us your guns and we'll protect you.  We'll protect Bambi and Peter Cottontail too.  You don't want Bambi and Peter Cottontail shot do you?  And your neighbors will feel safer too.

Who will protect us?  Turns out we also have Homeland Security agents with two billion rounds of small arms ammo and 2,700 mine-resistant armored vehicles to protect us from terrorists.  They must know something about terrorists that we don't, to be armed to the teeth like that.  The ammo alone is enough to supply a Vietnam-level war for 30 years.  And we have the USDA armed agents to protect us.  The Post office.  Seldom does a week pass that we don't read of another federal agency arming itself.  Why?  Against who?

Now even the military can be used against American citizens.  However, the military is made up of patriots, and a president attempting to invoke their might against the citizenry may well instead provoke the military into taking action against the government itself as they uphold their oath to protect the Constitution against 'enemies, foreign and domestic.'  In this case the federal government would be the domestic enemy.  So what forces could the federal government use against its citizens?  Homeland Security, The USDA, Post Office, and any number of other federal departments, whose allegiance to their government paycheck is strong and their appreciation for traditional American freedoms weak. 

Obama and the democrats are building an army of federal agents that can be used against its citizens.  They fear that at some point we will start shooting the agents of tyranny, as our founding fathers meant for us to do when necessary.  They want an army they can depend on.

So of course a disarmed citizenry would be helpful.  

Your Ostrich Killer's advice: don't disarm, and don't cooperate with the forces and agencies who would help enable disarming our citizenry.

A second cup of coffee is calling me . . .

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Tilting at the Climate Change Windmill

Dr. Strangelove Had it Right

Recently your beloved Ostrich Killer engaged in discussions with several global warming / climate change Chicken Littles.  These people have some things in common, to wit:

1.  Science doesn't matter, anecdotes do.
2.  Science doesn't matter, politics do.
3.  A belief that today's climate is the only correct climate for Earth.
4.  Cost doesn't matter.

Yes, these people are true ostriches when it comes to science.  I call them 'enviro-wackos' and I once wrote a poem about the way they think:

Don't bore me with facts 
I don't want to believe.
When you tell me the truth, 
There's plots up your sleeve.

Earth does have a history and cycles, fellow skeptics.  Looking at the geological record, the Earth has a long and rich history of hundred-million year or so warm cycles interrupted by (relatively) short cooling cycles, during each of which the average global temperature was in the neighborhood of 75 degrees Fahrenheit.  It is currently in the neighborhood of 57 degrees Fahrenheit and on the upswing from a low of about 55 degrees, during which low man sprang forth.  This upswing possibly indicates another warming cycle is starting.  ALL of Earth's warming cycles preceded man's appearance on the planet.  Life thrived during most of those cycles.  Continents broke up, moved, re-formed, broke up again . . . Life went on, evolved, and so did the Earth.

And these Chicken Littles think we can do something, anything to prevent the next warming cycle?  Please!

But why should we prevent it, even if we could?  Would that not be - gasp! - unnatural?

Is it not likely that man will also thrive at 75 degrees?  Are we so fragile and unable to adapt / cope that breaking a sweat will make us extinct?  Or are we merely concerned that our coastal cities will gradually move inland to higher ground over a few dozen / hundred / thousand centuries?

What price are we willing to pay to tilt at the global warming windmill?  To erect a "STOP" sign in front of an approaching avalanche?

Global warming, based on geological history, is cyclical and inevitable.  What difference do a few decades one way or another make when one is talking about a hundred million years?  They're less than a rounding error.  And man's impact on those decades - if any - is so far looking like less than a rounding error on that rounding error.

So I'm all for enjoying life and cheap energy.  Cheap energy allows societal growth for less fortunate nations.  Cheap energy allows for mobility, powers industry,feeds people and enables cultivation of grain so I can enjoy a Buckhorn now and then.  Cheap energy gets me down to my boat and back.  Raise the cost of energy and people die.  Simple as that.  But to an enviro-wacko gaea worshipper, that's okay because humans are a scourge on their holy planet.

What is cheap energy?  The EPA says that, for electrical generation, hydro-electric is cheapest, followed by nuclear, followed by oil / coal.  They don't even rate 'green' (windmills, solar, geothermal, warp drives, etc.) sources of energy, probably because they're off the scale in costs and almost invisible in terms of contribution.  So logically we should dam more rivers, build breeder reactor power plants, and drill baby drill.  Because no matter what we do, the next cycle will come anyway.  So, as Dr. Strangelove would advise, stop worrying and learn to love the climate.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Consumer Activism

Back Up Your Thinking With Your Spending

Recently there was a big annual parade scheduled in Boston.  St. Patrick's Day Parade, as I recall.  Many businesses provide sponsorship to that parade.  This time, though, a homosexual activist organization wanted to march and advertise their sexual proclivities and, presumably, recruit.  The parade organizers decided that would not be especially family-friendly, and therefore denied that group a permit to march.  That group protested, to no avail.

Several sponsors pulled their sponsorships to show their displeasure with the parade organizer's decision.  Among them were Samuel Adams brewery, Heineken brewery, and Guiness brewery.

I guess St. Patrick and his followers liked beer. 

In any event, this pulling of sponsorships over this particular issue offended me.  So now I don't buy Samuel Adams beer, which I truly do like and which I have bought many gallons of over the years, nor do I buy Heineken or Guiness, neither of which particularly impress me.

So I got to thinking - I have a history of being selective with my dollars.  For example, I wouldn't buy a Government Motors car if they were free; nor would I buy a Fiat - ooops, I mean Chrysler product.  They took bailout money from the taxpayer and gave it to their unions.  My money.  Your money.  And even if they hadn't, they won't stand behind their products unless people die and they're caught with their hands in the cookie jar.  Or they are owned now, in the case of Chrysler, by a company notorious in the world as a producer of shoddy products, only marginally better than the now Fiat-owned Yugo or the East German Trabant.

Entertainment - I have a whole list of entertainers I won't go to see on the silver screen.  I'm told that is stupid of me, that I should overlook their actions and words and enjoy their performances.  But to my way of thinking their performances are just entertainment.  I can be entertained just as well by others, and I don't want these idiots getting one dime from me.

There are many other examples of my selective spending, or my activist spending, or my personal boycotts.  The point is that I'm making decisions on what to support with my money, and what to impoverish.  Certain television channels don't get viewed in my house.  Ditto radio stations.  

Do you do something similar?  If not, next time you're spending discretionary dollars, think about what your money is supporting.  Pay attention to issues and public statements and actions.  When you do you'll find yourself making choices, and that's healthy for both you and your family, and for our society.

My second cup of coffee is calling.  You're welcome.

Monday, April 28, 2014

That Racist Rant - a Perspective

When is a Private Conversation Public?

The owner of the LA Clippers NBA basketball team allegedly said some pretty unpleasant things recently.  You've probably heard about it - he allegedly told his free-spirited girlfriend to be racially selective about who she brings into his presence.  The NBA is investigating.  Obama has chimed in, half-cocked as usual.  People are shocked.  His players are p.o.'ed, since most of them are black and those that aren't are offended on behalf of their black team mates.  

He allegedly said it to her during a private telephone conversation.  The word 'allegedly' is used because the jury is still out on whether the recording has been altered, and if it has been, how much.  

Who among us has not said something offensive during what we had reason to believe was a private conversation?  Who among us might be vulnerable to career termination if some of our words are altered and then used out of context?

How many of us would like to see and hear our private conversations, altered or not, on the 5 o'clock news?

Are important business people not entitled to expect a reasonable level of personal privacy?

Aren't there laws that make recording and broadcasting someone's telephone conversations without their consent illegal?  The feds and local police need warrants to be able to do that.  Did the person who recorded and broadcast this conversation have the necessary authority and a warrant?  Your ostrich killer doubts it.  And your ostrich killer wonders why he is the only one asking these questions.

So I don't care what he said.  In fact, I don't care what most people say.  I only care what they do.  But I am offended by the breach of his personal privacy.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Ostrich Killer Cyber Security Tips

Your Online Security

Not a day goes by without the news carrying some story about a breach of cyber security.  That's security of any device you have that uses either cell phone connections or the internet.

You probably have concerns about that.  What's on your computer / tablet / phone that you wouldn't want the universe in general and your friends and family in particular to see?  Anything?  

Are you working on a novel?  Do you want someone else to finish it and publish it before you do?

And what about those stupid pictures?  Or those diary entries?  Or your password list? Copies of your tax returns?  Other financial data?

You probably have your own concerns about some of the files on your computer.  You probably also have an old computer laying around somewhere.  So what's the simplest way to protect yourself?

Your Ostrich Killer has a list of simple things you can do.

1.  If you have a Windows-based computer, download and install Microsoft Security Essentials from microsoft.com onto your networked computer.  It's free.
2.  Dredge that old computer out of your closet and dust it off.  Turn it on, see that it still works, but do NOT connect it to any network.  Using the Network Manager in your 'My Computer' link, disable all network devices on that old computer.  
3.  Transfer ALL your files - documents, spreadsheets, tax returns, diaries, etc - anything you've created, in other words - to that old computer,using a USB stick or SD card.  Do NOT use a shared drive!  This old computer probably has older software.  Good news: most programs are file-compatible backwards.  That means if you're running, say, Office 2010 on your 'new' computer, the files you've created will still work in Office 2007 on your old computer.  If you're uncertain, save those files on your 'new computer' in a file format compatible with your old computer's software before you transfer the files.  It's a good policy to set your file format saving defaults on all software to be at least one generation older than the software supports.
4.  Once you've accomplished this file transfer, do all your work from now on using this old computer.  If you want to send a file you've created on your old computer out to the internet somewhere, copy it to a USB stick and transfer it to your 'new' computer, then send it.
5.  It goes without saying that you need to set your computer to automatically lock itself after a few moments - I use 2 minutes - of inactivity so that you will have to log in to use it.  That will help keep curious passers-by honest.  Nothing keeps an honest man honest like the inability to be dishonest.

Pretty simple, yes?  But there are catches, obvious ones:
1. Email and browsing and searching and facebooking cannot be kept hack-free by you, because all of them require being on the internet.  You'll have to trust your providers to keep them secure.  Good luck.  BTW, going to the library to use their networked computers will do you little good: you still have to log in to your email or facebook or other accounts.  Once you've done that - well, you get the picture.
2.  That cell phone?  Put nothing on it that you wouldn't want to see on the eleven o'clock news.  Consider using it the same way you used a phone in 1980: leave it at home sitting on your desk.  The world kept going around back then even when you were away from a phone.  It still will.  Good luck.  Oh, a bit of news to some of you: a cell phone, even turned off, can be tracked.  It can be listened to.  It can take pictures.  Its files can be viewed.  Didn't know that?  Now you do.
3.  Tablets are basically worthless unless connected to wifi.  Use them with the same caution you would use your cell phone.  Do NOT buy a tablet that can use cell phone connectivity, for the reasons just outlined above.  Wifi only, and keep that turned off until you want to use it.  Walking into your local tavern, for example, with your tablet's wifi turned on will broadcast to any number of App providers (Angry Birds and others) your location.  You want your habits to be known?  You want your contact list copied?  Some people don't care, others do.  The good news is that both groups get to decide.
4.  All digital devices that connect to a network have provisions for security.  Use them.  You don't want some stranger logging in to your banking app, for example, or email accounts should you forget and leave your device at the tavern.

That leaves one last device to secure:  your car.

What?  Your car?  Yes, indeed.  Does your car have Onstar or a similar, perhaps manufacturer-linked 'service?'  That means you can be tracked even if you leave your cell phone at home.  You can be listened to.  Hell, an ad ran on TV a couple years ago advertising Onstar, where the cops were able to stop a stolen car by calling Onstar and having them disable it.  You like that?  Can you imagine how that could be used in a police state?  That ad quietly disappeared, by the way.  Your navigation system?  Linked to.  Addresses input to the system: linked to.  So my advice, when you buy that next car, is to be hard-nosed about having NO devices in the car that can transmit ANYTHING.  It's a car, after all, not a spy.

The feds understand you value your privacy.  That's why they want to install more sophisticated 'black boxes' on all cars and vehicles.

Good luck.  And now, one last cup of coffee.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Putin's Plan

Reboot the Soviet Union

There it is.  That's his plan.  He has correctly assessed that no one - not the US, not NATO, not the European Union - is willing to do what's necessary to stop him from re-capturing those 14 nations that broke away from the Soviet Union when the Soviet Union fell in 1991.

Put another way, his plan is to conquer 14 sovereign nations, and he is sure no one will stop him.  The worst that will happen is that there will be stern rhetoric, economic sanctions, and maybe even military training exercises in European nations and perhaps an ocean or two.  But nothing more.

How can he be so sure?
2.  He controls the gas / oil aorta of Europe.  If Europe begins to act belligerent, he cuts off their gas. This is why your Ostrich Killer thinks that the takeovers of eastern European countries other than the Ukraine won't get into high gear until November of 2014, when the citizens of Germany and Austria and all those other eastern European  countries will need Russian oil and natural gas for home heating.  His threat: don't intervene unless you want to freeze.  Imagine what the citizens of eastern Europe will choose.
3.  The state of military readiness in those 14 countries is woeful, meaning they cannot meaningfully resist Russian invasions - meaning that the mere threat of such invasion may be enough to topple the still-emerging freedom of those countries.
4.  NATO unwillingness to expedite membership to those Europe-bordering countries that want membership - this out of concern for 'worrying' Russia.

To those Americans who don't know history, take a moment to review the legacy of British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain.  Yes, I know that it's futile to remind Americans, most of whom are living proof that all we really learn from history is that we don't learn from history.

In short summary, Putin knows that no one is willing to go to war over any of those 14 countries, so he can safely consider them ripe cherries for the picking.

My second cup of coffee awaits.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

What Happened on MH370?

Connect the Dots

You knew your Ostrich Killer would have to throw in his own interpretation of the events on that vanished airliner, right?  Okay, here goes - using only what we think we know.  Of course, what we think we know comes from sources that have not been especially reliable to date, but it's all we have to work with.

First and probably the most critical of all the information, we have the airliner, which was supposed to be flying a course of North North West to Bejing from Kuala Lumpur, suddenly turn about a hundred and twenty degrees left to a course of West South West.  Passenger airliners aren't supposed to make such huge course changes without first letting the appropriate air traffic control authorities know about it, as well as the reasons for it.  But that communication has not been reported to us and probably therefore did not happen.  Very strange.

Next, an even more illuminating event took place: at least twelve minutes after this unauthorized and puzzling turn, the co-pilot is in routine radio contact with controllers.  He did not comment on the course change or on any on-board or weather-related issues, and signed off with a low-key "All right.  Good night."  Very benign, very humdrum.  Except the aircraft was flying in the wrong direction for reasons that were not explained.  Your Ostrich Killer does NOT believe that the co-pilot, the pilot, and everyone else aboard were unaware that they were on the wrong course.

Which brings us to the next critical event: dramatic altitude changes.  Some reports have the aircraft flying as high as 45,000 feet for a few moments.  One has to wonder why only for a moment to figure that one out: an aircraft in no apparent mechanical difficulty and under the control of skilled pilot(s) gets to 45,000 feet on purpose.  But why do so?  The grim answer:  to kill the passengers by de-pressurizing the aircraft cabin so they would not be any further trouble.  At that altitude the passengers and unnecessary aircrew would die in agony in seconds.

Then the aircraft dives to altitudes reported as low as 5,000 feet and disappears from radar.  But there's another benefit to flying that low - any live people on board can open the doors of the aircraft and work without requiring oxygen.  The bodies can be dumped over the side, lightening the aircraft by over 40,000 pounds.  Now that's a lot of work, but with the aircraft on autopilot any living crew could take their time as the aircraft flies to its pre-planned destination.

But why lighten the aircraft?  Here's the next bit of the information puzzle that I haven't seen addressed on any news reports - the range of a Boeing 777-200ER.  That ER stands for "Extended Range."  We've all seen those circles drawn on maps of the region, with a radius of about 2,500 nautical miles.  Why so little?  The aircraft is rated at a max range of 7,725 nautical miles.  Presumably weather and passenger / cargo loads will reduce that, but it seems safe to say that with a full fuel load - something else we haven't heard anything about on the news - that search radius could easily be expanded to at least 6,000 nautical miles.  That's an area of more than 113,000,000 square nautical miles.  An aircraft would take up about 300 feet of that.

So with a lightened aircraft and plenty of range, what's next in what seems to be a planned series of events?  Speculating, your Ostrich Killer suspects that the aircraft has landed somewhere, been hidden under cover, and is being repainted, adjustments made to its electronic communications systems, refueled and loaded with about 100 tons of high explosives.  Then it will be used as a smart bomb.  Israel has taken defensive measures against this very thing, so their thinking is similar to mine.  So getting an unauthorized 777 into Israeli air space will be hard to do, and the perps have to know this.  That's why your Ostrich Killer thinks the target is somewhere else more lightly defended.

What could be the target?  You can speculate as well as I, using the notorious Google Earth to help you.  Remember, it isn't enough that the target be lightly defended.  There can be no robust air traffic control or air defenses along the route to that target (big oceans provide such routes, as do the north and south poles,) and once close to the target air defense reaction times have to be long enough - or snarled in indecisive decision-making - to be ineffective.  So let your fingers do the route planning to your favorite target and see where you wind up.  Remember, you have as much as 6,000 nautical miles of range capability to play with as you maneuver this fully loaded airliner toward the bulls-eye, so you can duck and dodge with the aircraft to get to your target.  You might want to reduce that range a bit to account for drag-induced lower fuel efficiency at low altitude - necessary to stay off as many radars as possible. 

Depending on where the aircraft is undergoing its preparatory work right now, the target list could include such places as the Vatican (remember the aircrew is muslim,) Buckingham Palace, San Diego, Seattle, Salt Lake City, Washington DC, the new World Trade Center building in New York, an aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf - well, the list goes on.  Use your imagination.

A thought on enabling infrastructure: a helpful or conveniently 'blind' government somewhere, with a 12,000 foot runway and a big empty hangar and a strong, sympathetic and zip-lipped workforce would be very helpful.  Can you think of any such governments?  

Yeah, so can I.

Someone is sure to ask "If it's a terrorist action, why hasn't some organization claimed credit?"  The answer may be that only phase 1 of that action is complete.  Phase 2 is re-prepping the aircraft for phase 3.  Phase 3 is the actual attack.  When that is done, someone will claim credit.  But not before.

But what about those photos from space, showing what appears to be debris?  Your Ostrich Killer is no expert, but after seeing those photos I will venture that what appears to be debris could as easily be sunlight glinting off the water - take a look at the whole unaltered photo and see if you don't see a lot of similar reflections in the area.  Or does it look like a catamaran?  Or maybe a couple of shipping containers?

One last very sobering thought:  what if some country has provided a nuke instead of 100 tons of high explosives?

Another cup of coffee now . . .

Friday, February 28, 2014

Another Russian Invastion

Another Czechoslovakia?

Hungary, 1956.  Czechoslovakia, 1968.  Afghanistan, 1979.

And now, in 2014, Ukraine.

What are the lessons?
1.  The Soviet Union is dead, but Russia is still Russia.
2.  Russia can invade and the west will wring their hands and sit on their asses.
3.  It doesn't matter what the nations bordering Russia WANT as their government; it only matters what Russia wants for them to have.
4.  The west can no longer be trusted help any struggle for freedom.
5.  The Russians know this, and are going to take advantage of our Anointed One's foreign policy illiteracy to attempt to rebuild the Soviet empire.  Ukraine is the breadbasket of Europe - so where better to start?
6.  Our Charismatic Ruler and his Alfred E. Neuman-like lickspittle enablers will continue to disarm America unilaterally, without regard to global threats, to below pre-WW2 levels so that even if we'd like to help, we won't be able to.  Even the defense of our shores and cities may not be feasible soon.

I'm beginning to believe our founding fathers fatally over-estimated the intelligence of the American electorate.  The evidence is overwhelming.

I need another cup of coffee.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Late Night Talk Shows Suck


Now that your Ostrich Killer has watched Jay Leno's replacement for a few nights, I can save you the trouble of tuning in.  The show is just another far left drug and homo-friendly Obama-fawning propaganda-thru-humor platform for the extreme left.  Don't waste your time.

You will never hear deprecatory jokes about anything left now.  Jay Leno, at least, was balanced in this regard - he joked about everyone.  But NBC is a body and soul slave to Obama, and Leno was known to take some well-place shots at Obama through humor.  So Leno had to go.  You can't poke fun at the Glorious Leader.

Don't expect that that sort of humor from Fallon.

So no more late night talk shows for me.  I'm sick of having what I believe being misrepresented and joked about.  

I guess it's what we all should have expected.  People who grow up at the bosom of the entertainment industry come out the way Fallon and Letterman have.  Brain dead.

Coffee time.  Then nap so that I can be ready for late night re-runs of Duck Dynasty and Blue Bloods.

Thursday, February 13, 2014


Where Are the Survivors?

Has anyone heard from a single one of the people who survived the attack on Benghazi?

Does anyone know where even one of these survivors is?

Has there been testimony from a single one of them before a Congressional committee of any sort?

Does anyone even know the names of a single one of the survivors?

Doesn't it seem logical that some of these survivors should have said SOMETHING to SOMEONE?

If you are a relative or friend of any of these people, do you know where they are?  And have you been contacted by any federal entity about them?  Drop me a line if you know.

I heard the other day, from one of those frothing-at-the-mouth wild-eyed right wing radical radio hosts, that FEMA is building 'camps' complete with guard towers and barbed wire.

DHS (Department of Homeland Security) has ordered about 2 billion rounds of ammunition and 2,700 mine-resistant personnel carriers.

Neither DHS nor FEMA is constrained by Posse Comitatus laws.

Finally, ask yourself the basic question of who benefits from silencing the survivors.  Remember that His Imperial Majesty has not accounted for his whereabouts nor his decisions, if any, during that situation, and that Hillary was his Secretary of State and involved up to her eyebrows.  Then vote accordingly at the next election.