Monday, October 22, 2007


Okay, maybe not in all categories. Anything science-related is probably worthy of pride if one is awarded the Nobel. Even the Economics prize is worth an extra hat size for the winner.

But the Peace prize is a farce of the most astonishing sort.

Take Algore getting the Nobel Peace award for producing a fantasy film. Even if what the film depicted were remotely true or plausible, how does it relate to peace? But Algore is not the only puzzling prize winner. He is no exception. Review the list for yourself and see. Peace? Only sporadically - seemingly at random - do the prize-winning actions of a winner intersect with an improvement in the potential for world peace.

Here is what appears to be the recipe for awarding the Peace prize:
1. The award of the prize must fractionally destabilize the world further.
2. The prize may be awarded for any action that does not fit the other Nobel prize categories.
3. Where convenient, the award of the prize should prove an affront to most Americans.

How else do you explain Algore and Jimmy Carter getting the prize, but not Ronald Reagan, under whose watch the Berlin wall came down and the Soviet empire began to unravel?

But you can draw your own conclusions. Review the list and think about it.

Your friendly ostrich killer is returning to his lair.