Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Dumb Bombs for Dumb People


The most recent exchange of hostilities between the Gazans and the Israelis points up, your Ostrich Killer thinks, a philosophical flaw in the Israeli defensive posture: to avoid killing innocent palestinians when responding to rocket fire from the Gaza Strip.

Much of that rocket fire is coming from places immediately adjacent to playgrounds, schools, mosques, markets, etc.  Why?  Lack of real estate?  No, it's so that when Israel returns fire there's a good chance the palestinians can show a wounded or dead baby, child, shopper, or damaged 'holy' place to the willing and eager CNN camera crews.

What were those people doing close to those launch sites in the first place?

How can they be thought of as 'innocent civilians' when they tolerate that tactic by their elected officials?  When the rocketeers locate rocket launchers next to their hospitals, why does the hospital staff and security not evict them?  That they don't makes them enablers, not innocents.  In the U.S., someone who enables a murder is an accomplice and can suffer the same penalty as a murderer.  Why should this sort of situation be any different?  By what sort of perverted PC logic can they be considered 'innocent?'  Why should they not share the same fate as those rocketeers?

So I suggest Israel re-think their collateral damage reduction philosophy, and instead reverse it so that there is a LOT of collateral damage.  Your ostrich killer would approve of carpet-bombing sites from B-52s flying at 50,000 feet, but Israel doesn't have those.  So a reasonable alternative might be deliveries of cluster bombs and napalm and fuel-air explosives and artillery-delivered area-denial minefields on those launch sites.  Yes, a lot of people might be killed.  But maybe, just maybe, other communities' citizens might not want the same fate for their communities, and maybe they'd drive out those rocket launching sites and thereby preserve their lives and the lives of their families.  If that sort of social ostracism catches on, there might actually be some sort of peace.

War is hell.  But it can't be waged without blood, and it can't be won without one side deciding it's had enough.  One more thought, and then you can go back to your coffee:  there is no point in prolonging the obvious.  If war is necessary, conduct it with maximum violence and destruction, so that it is over quickly.  In the long run, many lives will be saved.  The whole concept of 'proportional response' is ridiculous.

Saturday, November 17, 2012



Ingredients needed:
1.  a liberal brain (NOTE: while this may be a rare commodity, they do exist.)
2.  a catastrophic personal, financial or geopolitical event with crystal clear fallout.

We've all heard the conventional wisdom - that a conservative is a liberal who got mugged.  Or that if you're under 25 and not a liberal, you don't have a heart, but if you're over 35 and still a liberal you don't have a brain.

Both are true.  But neither says the obvious - that a liberal, confronted with inescapable reality and whose blinders have stopped working, will, assuming a brain between the ears, develop / invent conservatism all  by themselves.  They will become functioning conservatives, believing that they are still liberals.  Yet, in talking with them, the principles they promote will almost always be a combination of social liberalism mixed with conservative financial and geopolitical views.

Your ostrich killer is good with that.  As long as their brain continues to function they will come to see that there are consequences to even social liberalism.

So to my liberal readers, and their families, I suggest that if you agree that the above is most likely true, your ostrich killer has a suggestion: why wait for a catastrophe to bring you over to the conservative viewpoint?  You could become conservative now, and maybe even help fend off that catastrophe.  As a bonus, you'll make new thinking friends.

My duty is done.  Time for a beer.

Wednesday, November 07, 2012



Reporter 1:  "Mr. Smith, what do you say to those many Americans who are out of work?"
Smith:  "Under my leadership the private sector business climate will improve, which will mean they will need more employees.  So vote for me if you want a better chance to get a job."

Reporter 2:  "Will you extend the federal safety nets for those long term unemployeds?"
Smith:  "No.  To those people, I suggest they become more aggressive about finding work.  Either that, or find a relative willing to support them.  Because I will work very hard to eliminate such safety nets.  It isn't the federal government's job to provide charity.  It isn't in the Constitution.  Some of you may have heard of it.  If not, Google it and read it."

Report 3:  "Aren't you afraid that taking that position will lose you votes from that group of voters?"
Smith:  "No.  They'd vote for my opponent anyway, assuming they're not too lazy to get off their asses long enough to vote.  People who are tired of paying support for the indigent, stupid, incapable and illiterate will appreciate my position on federal welfare."

Reporter 4:  "Mr. Smith, what do you say to those that advocate raising taxes on the rich in order to help balance our budget?"
Smith:  "I have a plan to balance our budget.  First, eliminate all entitlement programs.  That will reduce annual federal spending by over a trillion dollars.  Next, I'm in favor of reinforcing success; therefore I will propose and lobby strongly for a graduated tax plan, where the more money one makes, the lower their taxes rate becomes.  Those making over, say, a million dollars annually will pay no taxes at all.  Doing that will encourage entrepreneurial-ism and thus hiring.  More hiring means more people paying taxes."

Reporter 5 (Alarmed!):  "But wouldn't that be unfair to the poor and middle class?"
Smith:  "Would you rather encourage hard work and initiative, or sloth and mediocrity?  Part of the tax code's charter is to encourage certain types of fiscal behavior, and discourage others.  I think we should encourage hard work and success, don't you?"

Oh, well.  Another cup of coffee.



1.  Pretend to believe an attractive lie so that they don't have to act on an unpleasant truth.
2.  Believe the major media.
3.  Think celebrities are smart about politics and should be listened to.
4.  Want to tax heavily anyone who doesn't depend on government.
5.  Have not grown up into adults - they think and act like little children, who only know what they want.
6.  Are the result of two generations of hate white America indoctrination in public schools.
7.  Will vote for anyone who promises 'free stuff.'  Just like a kid.
8.  Don't care about national security, or the security of our international friends.  Free stuff is much more important.
9.  Lack moral standards, and think this is a positive thing.
10.  Prefer to parrot slogans because it's easier than thinking.

Your Ostrich Killer knows you can add to this list.  Send your additions to me and I'll post them w/ credit.

It's a sad, sad day for America.



Elections have consequences.  Especially American elections.  Below is a list of the consequences you can expect to see.  Check this blog posting four years from now (if you still can) and see how close your Ostrich Killer came to a perfect prediction.  See if that map on your wall looks like ancient history.

Here we go:
1.  Israel will no longer exist.  There will be no live Jew in the middle east.  According to his actions, Obama hates the Jews.
2.  There will be no major centers of population left in the Middle East.  All will have been destroyed as Israel, going down swinging after a massive islamic invasion and attack w/ chemicals, goes nuke.  Damascus, Tripoli (both of them,) Beirut, Benghazi, Tehran, Bandar Abbas, Qum, Bushehr, Shiraz, Cairo, Port Said, Ismailia, Riyadh, and many others that are unfortunate enough to be situated near a significant military installation will be wiped off the map.  They will be reduced to glowing, glass-paved rubble.
3.  China will control all of the South China sea, including the Spratleys and any other islands they wish to control.  No one will contest them.  They will also have conquered Taiwan, and turned Japan into a cowering, fearful Finland-like nation who only asks 'How high?' when told by the Chinese to jump.  The same will be true for Australia and New Zealand.  Because the US won't prevent that.  Our president will not stand for anything other than tearing down this country to the lowest, meanest mediocrity he can.
4.  Private sector unemployment will skyrocket.  Only government job employment will improve.
5.  Russia, knowing full well ("I'll have more flexibility after my re-election" Obama told Medvedev) that the US will not intervene, will re-establish the old Soviet Union under the inspired and ruthless leadership of Putin.  All those east European, Balkan and other states that became separate countries on the collapse of the old Soviet Union will be re-captured without significant resistance.
6.  The rich will be taxed punitively.  Many will leave the country.  The jobs they would have created will not be created.
7.  At least one weapon of mass destruction will be deployed successfully in the US.  That means chemical or nuclear weapon, with hundreds of thousands dead.  We will do little except bury the dead and deplore the action.  Maybe we'll hunt down one man and execute him.
8.  The American military will have its nuclear arsenal whittled down by presidential order to less than 1% of its size thirty years ago.  Manpower will be reduced to such low levels that we will be unable to take significant military action anywhere except on training grounds in the US.  The Navy will not be any better off.  Military recruiters will not be able to meet even their dramatically reduced quotas.  Vast disillusionment in the ranks ("Why should I risk my neck fighting for something we aren't willing to win?") will send desertions to historic highs.
8.  America will print money in the trillions of dollars.  Prices will skyrocket accordingly - too many dollars chasing too few goods.  It's automatic.
9.  American businesses will either move overseas, be bought in place by foreign investors, or fail.  None will be immune.  Even mom and pop businesses will have to tighten their belts to survive - meaning layoffs.
10. If America isn't invaded and captured, it will only be because the invaders know that the ripe plum is ready to fall of its own weight.
11.  The price of energy will go so high that no one will be able to afford to move around in the country.

I could go on.  So could you.  Doing the math from above, how many millions of people around the world are going to die?

And all because we re-elected Obama.  Why did we re-elect Obama?  Because we have become a welfare state - a state where the citizenry holds out its hands for "free stuff" from government, and it doesn't matter what foreign policy issues there are.  Where does government get this "free stuff?"  From the producers in our economy, buying it with money that comes from the wallets of every living American.

Alexis de Toqueville's grim prediction is on the verge of being realized:  "The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money."  That day has long since come.

And now, to quote the obnoxious Rev. Wright, the chickens will come home to roost.

Goodbye, America.  It was a good run for awhile.  Now you're just another third world nation of beggars.