Friday, August 13, 2010


Your Ostrich Killer will now ask the question you haven't seen asked by the mainstream media: How is it that JetBlue, the employer of that flight attendant Steven Slater who quit his job by sliding down the emergency slide off an airliner, let a bleeding and unbandaged HIV- positive person work the cabin as a flight attendant?

This individual came in contact w/ hundreds of people daily. Did any of those people know he was both homosexual and HIV-positive? Would they have flown on that flight if they knew?

It takes less than a drop of HIV-infected blood to transfer AIDS to another, through any break in their skin or even any moist membranes, such as the eye. That flight attendant was bleeding before he ever got onto the aircraft, and did not bandage his wound. Surely Jet Blue wouldn't let such a person work in close contact w/ hundreds of unknowing innocents every day, would they? - - Uh, wait. They did. Not even the flight crew or cabin attendants insisted he bandage the wound. Had they been informed that he was HIV positive?

One wonders how far over we must bend for the PC crowd to put it to us. Must we even grab our ankles? Unknowingly risk our own health in order not to offend HIV carriers? It might be different if we knew the risks we were taking. But Jet Blue didn't tell anyone that I know about. I guess they feel that such risks are acceptable. Of course, if they believed that strongly, wouldn't they let us know ahead of time? And isn't it our decision to make as to what risks we're willing to take? Maybe we're just too stupid to make a rational decision about the risks. That must be it.

You can be sure that your Ostrich Killer will NOT be flying Jet Blue. I wonder how they will spin this. On second thought, they won't have to. The mainstream media isn't even raising the question.

Sunday, August 08, 2010


Outside a Mexican restaurant: "Food: 100% Mexican Style. Staff: 100% American Citizen."

Outside a Mexican restaurant, 2: "English spoken here. Only."

Panhandler at busy intersection: "Victim of the Obamanomics. Looking for honest work. Please take a copy of my resume and references."

Outside Congress: "Restricted membership. License to steal required."

Have some ideas of signs you'd like to see? Send them along.

"Mister Candidate, you've repeatedly spoken about your conservative values. You are in a tight race. What special measures are you planning to take to garner more of the traditional liberal voting population, such as blacks and latinos?"

"None. Blacks typically vote over ninety percent for democrats, no matter who they are or what they stand for or what experience they may have or the quality of the conservative opposition. So a dollar of my campaign money spent trying to attract their vote is a dollar wasted. I take a similar position with regard to the latino vote."

"You will make no special effort at all? Isn't that conceding all those votes to your opposition?"

"Look, there is no color or ethnic or religious description of an American, and for good reason: that category includes everyone who is a citizen of this country. To make a special effort to romance votes from this or that sub-group of Americans would be racist, or otherwise discriminatory in that one group or another is receiving special consideration or promises of special favors. My appeal is to all Americans capable of casting a vote. I don't give a damn about skin color or what their ancestors ate. If they are American citizens, my positions on the issues will appeal to them - irrespective of any other factors. Let my opponent make special promises. His party is good at that. Unfortunately, they aren't so good at keeping them. Even the most simple research will bear this out; however, it seems my opponent's constituency is either unwilling or incapable of dispassionate research, or even objective rational thought."

"The latino vote is a little more complicated, sir -"

"Not really. In the latino heritage community in this country, there are either Americans or non-Americans. I don't give a damn about the opinions of non-Americans, those here on legitimate visas or illegally. They cannot legally vote. Of course, my opponent's party will spend vast sums doing what it can to find ways for people in this country illegally to vote for them illegally. We all know this. But I reject that I, or my party, should in some sly way court the illegal vote. My position on illegals is that they are criminals and should be captured, punished, and then deported on tramp steamers, penniless, to the southernmost tip of whatever country they came from. So a message to illegals, latino or any other - I'm not your friend."

In the name of islam, the world trade center was destroyed and three thousand people killed.

To the glorification of mohammed and in the name of islam, a mosque will be erected in its place.

A symbol of victory, a symbol of dominance, a symbol of the superiority of islam.

You citizens of Manhattan - you've got work to do. Start with your city leadership.

Remember: if your attackers kill your people in the name of their religion, you are in a religious war whether you want to be or not.

Saturday, August 07, 2010


Dateline, California: In a surprise ruling that rocked California, a homosexual federal judge ruled that California's Prop 8, which states that California will only recognize marriages between a man and a woman, is unconstitutional. "Prop 8 violates the equal treatment under the law provision of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution," he wrote, without explaining how Prop 8 treats homosexual men and women differently from heterosexual men and women.

"It seems to me," said Mr. Harry Stingle of Malin, Oregon, "that the judge got it wrong. In California just like in pretty much any other country on the planet, a man has a right to marry a woman and a woman has a right to marry a man. Queers get the same rights. So maybe someone can explain how Prop 8 treats homosexuals any different, 'cause I don't get it."

Henrietta Polger of Buena Vista, California, wonders how it came to pass that a homosexual judge got assigned to rule on that particular proposition. As she puts it, "I'd love to see the audit trail on that judicial assignment."


Tuesday, August 03, 2010


In one of your Ostrich Killer's better moments, an idea flashed through his barnacle-encrusted brain cells: if the Feds can choose not to enforce certain laws (such as immigration law), then why can't I choose not to obey certain laws?

Here's the deal: In exchange for the citizenship not requiring the Feds to enforce, say, the general class of immigration laws, we get to not obey one class of laws. My choice: tax law. I don't want to pay taxes. How about you? Let the wetbacks come. As long as that's the policy, I don't want to pay taxes. Quid pro quo, right? Feds don't enforce one, I don't obey one. Seems fair.

A word about wetbacks: I don't use that pejoratively. In my lexicon, a wetback is a mexican who arrives in this country illegally. Legal immigrants are decidedly NOT wetbacks, they are welcome. So don't accuse me of using ethnic slurs. Thank you.

Monday, August 02, 2010


A couple days ago, when news broke that both Charlie Shumer and Maxine Waters (Democrats in your congress) were being investigated by the House Ethics Committee, your Ostrich Killer thought "Hey, wouldn't it be clever to ask my readers how long they think it would take for someone to squeal that those two were being investigated because they were black?"

Your Ostrich Killer laughed at his own silliness. No one could possibly raise such a stupid objection, he thought. What does skin color have to do with whether or not someone might be guilty of ethical violations? Nothing, that's what. Either they did something questionable, or they didn't. Either way, the investigations would follow the smoking guns to the proper conclusions.

Your Ostrich Killer thought no one would be stupid enough to play the race card.

He was wrong. Read about it at Politico. At least one member of the Congressional Black Caucus has said there's a dual standard being used, one for 'African-Americans' and another for everyone else. I guess he / she means that until they run out of ethics investigations of congressmen of other races, they should leave blacks alone - - oh, wait. No, he / she couldn't possibly mean that, because that would mean using a double standard. He / she wouldn't be for that, would he / she?

The Congressional Black Caucus is by its very nature a racist organization. Its name alone tells us that. Do you see a Congressional White Caucus? Latino Caucus? Irish-American Caucus? Or any other such group? Can you imagine what the race-baiters would make of such organizations?

Once again, the ballet of the absurd is danced by this Congress. Your Ostrich Killer has grave misgivings about the intelligence of an American electorate that could elect so many clowns and functional enemies of our country to high office.