Tuesday, July 27, 2010


A collection of treasonous scumbags have conspired to leak tens of thousands of classified documents. That act gives aid and comfort to our enemies. It endangers the lives of American service men and women, diplomats, and intelligence resource - some of whom may not be American, but may be citizens of other countries. Some of those people will end up dead.

It is a felony.

Punishable by death in the time of war.

Are we at war?

Your ostrich killer wants the leakers and the publishers brought up on the strongest charges, including treason, and punished according to the law. If that means death, that's okay with me and a whole bunch of fellow Americans.

My country's security is at stake. Those individuals are enemies of my country. I choose death for them. I don't want to 'reform' or 'rehabilitate' them. I want them gone, if that's legal.

Monday, July 26, 2010


"Unparalleled disaster" "Environmental catastrophe" "Massive pollution"

You've seen these and other End of Times headlines everywhere in the news covering the gulf oil spill.

Your favorite Ostrich Killer will now, without any comment whatsoever, give you the numbers that pertain. You may draw your own conclusions, as thoughtful people do.

Spill: 200,000,000 gallons (max. Probably less, but let's use the worst case quoted.)
Gulf: 700,000,000,000,000,000 gallons, rounded off.

Doing long division, we get 1 gallon of oil for every 3,500,000,000 gallons of water.

Doing a little more long division, we get 1 drop of oil for every 55,000 GALLONS of water. To do your own long division, assume 16 drops in a cc of oil.

But wait! It gets better! Turns out, about forty percent of that leaked oil was collected on ships. Of the remaining sixty percent, a substantial amount - maybe a third - has evaporated. Much more - another third? - has filled the bellies of oil-eating microbes, untold quadrillions of which roam the Gulf of Mexico feasting on the crude that has seeped naturally from the bottom every day since before the first well was ever dreamt of. Doing a little more math with the above numbers, we come up with only twenty percent of the oil still available to pollute in one way or another. 40,000,000 gallons of the original 200,000,000 gallons. That's a lot, but . . . well, you know.

Doubt this? Do your own research and your own math. I rounded off; you may not wish to. Have fun.

NEWS FLASH: Drudge story headline - "Disappearing Oil: Cleanup crews can't find crude in gulf."

Let's see . . . I have 55,000 gallons of water, in which I'm trying to find twenty percent of 1 DROP of oil . . . I wonder why it's so hard to do?

Duh. And no, that is not an editorial comment.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


A guy and a gal have a big, name-calling argument over the phone. Unbenownst to the guy, the gal is taping him.

First, that's a felony in most states. But leaving that aside, let's look at the obvious. And the obvious is - drum roll, please - that the conversation was private. There was a hundred percent expectation of privacy by the guy. People say things in private, especially when angry and maybe even a little buzzed, that they would never say in front of a television camera or at a press conference.

So what Mel said was ugly. Who among us has not said an ugly thing in private? Had he said that stuff in public, then there's a story. But in private? C'mon. Get over it, stupid mainstream media. Is there really such a shortage of actual news that this can get your attention?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


News Flash, Dateline somewhere in America: Today the NAACP, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People - an organization whose sole purpose for existence is to promote and benefit the fortunes of people with black skin at the expense of people of any other skin color -denounced the Tea Party as a racist organization. While offering no objective proof, they point to the predominantly white membership of the Tea Party as a smoking gun. They offered no explanation for why that membership population should differ from the general population.

In unrelated news, in the home of Mrs. Silas Jones in Peoria, her teapot reportedly called the soup kettle 'black.' Investigation is continuing.

Sunday, July 04, 2010


For those of you who haven't read my blog of December 3, 2009, or if you've forgotten it, take a moment to look at it. Especially the part about 'What the Taliban Heard.'

My hat is off to Gen. Petraeus for seeing his duty and stepping up. Gen. McChrystal was rightly relieved of command - he probably saluted and said "You don't know how relieved I am, Sir" when departing the Oval Office - and both poser-in-chief Obama and his lapdog congress rushed to thrust Gen Petraeus into his now empty traces.

But what is Gen Petraeus's actual duty? Is it victory? Is it pacification? Is it casualty minimization? Road and school building? No, it is none of those things. And he knows it. He knows that he has been sent over to Afghanistan so that, eventually, Mr. Impeachable can point a finger at him and say "We sent our finest officer to command our forces, and still we couldn't succeed. That proves the battle is futile and it's time to pull our sons and daughters out of there." Yes, Gen. Petraeus failure will be the proverbial final straw. He knows he is to be thrown under the bus.

Never mind that he will be deprived of the resources he needs. Never mind that he is hamstrung with a time certain withdrawal scheme, developed without regard to military or political objectives by a party wholly invested in defeat. Never mind that he and his forces are emasculated with rules of engagement (You did read my December 3 column, right?) so stringent that scarcely a trigger can be pulled without landing an American in jail.

But Gen. Petraeus will do his best. That's his nature, and he'll do it. A pity that his best needs ammo and equipment and troops and intelligence. He won't be getting those things, because if he did he might actually pull off a victory of sorts. But our leadership on the left side of the aisle and in the Oval Office yearn for defeat, are clamoring for defeat, are universally predicting defeat, so they will carry out any unworthy deception - including lying to the American electorate - to bring about our defeat.

Makes one wonder how they can even lay claim to the title "American." I salute the General, I flip off the poser-in-chief and the sorry leadership of the left in congress and say to them that they are not fooling everyone.