Tuesday, July 27, 2010


A collection of treasonous scumbags have conspired to leak tens of thousands of classified documents. That act gives aid and comfort to our enemies. It endangers the lives of American service men and women, diplomats, and intelligence resource - some of whom may not be American, but may be citizens of other countries. Some of those people will end up dead.

It is a felony.

Punishable by death in the time of war.

Are we at war?

Your ostrich killer wants the leakers and the publishers brought up on the strongest charges, including treason, and punished according to the law. If that means death, that's okay with me and a whole bunch of fellow Americans.

My country's security is at stake. Those individuals are enemies of my country. I choose death for them. I don't want to 'reform' or 'rehabilitate' them. I want them gone, if that's legal.

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