Wednesday, November 07, 2012



Elections have consequences.  Especially American elections.  Below is a list of the consequences you can expect to see.  Check this blog posting four years from now (if you still can) and see how close your Ostrich Killer came to a perfect prediction.  See if that map on your wall looks like ancient history.

Here we go:
1.  Israel will no longer exist.  There will be no live Jew in the middle east.  According to his actions, Obama hates the Jews.
2.  There will be no major centers of population left in the Middle East.  All will have been destroyed as Israel, going down swinging after a massive islamic invasion and attack w/ chemicals, goes nuke.  Damascus, Tripoli (both of them,) Beirut, Benghazi, Tehran, Bandar Abbas, Qum, Bushehr, Shiraz, Cairo, Port Said, Ismailia, Riyadh, and many others that are unfortunate enough to be situated near a significant military installation will be wiped off the map.  They will be reduced to glowing, glass-paved rubble.
3.  China will control all of the South China sea, including the Spratleys and any other islands they wish to control.  No one will contest them.  They will also have conquered Taiwan, and turned Japan into a cowering, fearful Finland-like nation who only asks 'How high?' when told by the Chinese to jump.  The same will be true for Australia and New Zealand.  Because the US won't prevent that.  Our president will not stand for anything other than tearing down this country to the lowest, meanest mediocrity he can.
4.  Private sector unemployment will skyrocket.  Only government job employment will improve.
5.  Russia, knowing full well ("I'll have more flexibility after my re-election" Obama told Medvedev) that the US will not intervene, will re-establish the old Soviet Union under the inspired and ruthless leadership of Putin.  All those east European, Balkan and other states that became separate countries on the collapse of the old Soviet Union will be re-captured without significant resistance.
6.  The rich will be taxed punitively.  Many will leave the country.  The jobs they would have created will not be created.
7.  At least one weapon of mass destruction will be deployed successfully in the US.  That means chemical or nuclear weapon, with hundreds of thousands dead.  We will do little except bury the dead and deplore the action.  Maybe we'll hunt down one man and execute him.
8.  The American military will have its nuclear arsenal whittled down by presidential order to less than 1% of its size thirty years ago.  Manpower will be reduced to such low levels that we will be unable to take significant military action anywhere except on training grounds in the US.  The Navy will not be any better off.  Military recruiters will not be able to meet even their dramatically reduced quotas.  Vast disillusionment in the ranks ("Why should I risk my neck fighting for something we aren't willing to win?") will send desertions to historic highs.
8.  America will print money in the trillions of dollars.  Prices will skyrocket accordingly - too many dollars chasing too few goods.  It's automatic.
9.  American businesses will either move overseas, be bought in place by foreign investors, or fail.  None will be immune.  Even mom and pop businesses will have to tighten their belts to survive - meaning layoffs.
10. If America isn't invaded and captured, it will only be because the invaders know that the ripe plum is ready to fall of its own weight.
11.  The price of energy will go so high that no one will be able to afford to move around in the country.

I could go on.  So could you.  Doing the math from above, how many millions of people around the world are going to die?

And all because we re-elected Obama.  Why did we re-elect Obama?  Because we have become a welfare state - a state where the citizenry holds out its hands for "free stuff" from government, and it doesn't matter what foreign policy issues there are.  Where does government get this "free stuff?"  From the producers in our economy, buying it with money that comes from the wallets of every living American.

Alexis de Toqueville's grim prediction is on the verge of being realized:  "The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money."  That day has long since come.

And now, to quote the obnoxious Rev. Wright, the chickens will come home to roost.

Goodbye, America.  It was a good run for awhile.  Now you're just another third world nation of beggars.

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