Wednesday, November 07, 2012



Reporter 1:  "Mr. Smith, what do you say to those many Americans who are out of work?"
Smith:  "Under my leadership the private sector business climate will improve, which will mean they will need more employees.  So vote for me if you want a better chance to get a job."

Reporter 2:  "Will you extend the federal safety nets for those long term unemployeds?"
Smith:  "No.  To those people, I suggest they become more aggressive about finding work.  Either that, or find a relative willing to support them.  Because I will work very hard to eliminate such safety nets.  It isn't the federal government's job to provide charity.  It isn't in the Constitution.  Some of you may have heard of it.  If not, Google it and read it."

Report 3:  "Aren't you afraid that taking that position will lose you votes from that group of voters?"
Smith:  "No.  They'd vote for my opponent anyway, assuming they're not too lazy to get off their asses long enough to vote.  People who are tired of paying support for the indigent, stupid, incapable and illiterate will appreciate my position on federal welfare."

Reporter 4:  "Mr. Smith, what do you say to those that advocate raising taxes on the rich in order to help balance our budget?"
Smith:  "I have a plan to balance our budget.  First, eliminate all entitlement programs.  That will reduce annual federal spending by over a trillion dollars.  Next, I'm in favor of reinforcing success; therefore I will propose and lobby strongly for a graduated tax plan, where the more money one makes, the lower their taxes rate becomes.  Those making over, say, a million dollars annually will pay no taxes at all.  Doing that will encourage entrepreneurial-ism and thus hiring.  More hiring means more people paying taxes."

Reporter 5 (Alarmed!):  "But wouldn't that be unfair to the poor and middle class?"
Smith:  "Would you rather encourage hard work and initiative, or sloth and mediocrity?  Part of the tax code's charter is to encourage certain types of fiscal behavior, and discourage others.  I think we should encourage hard work and success, don't you?"

Oh, well.  Another cup of coffee.

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