Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Speaking hypothetically, of course

How will YOU know it's time to get involved in the next American Revolution?

It's coming.  Question is, when and what will be the catalyst for it.

What's YOUR catalyst?  Here are some possibilities:

1.  When you see that the Supreme Court has abandoned the Constitution.

2.  When the 'checks and balances' of a divided government fail to check and balance, and instead become enablers of an imperial presidency.
3.  When you, as a law-abiding citizen, are made into a criminal by Executive Order.
4.  When the country's security from foreign enemies is endangered by unilateral disarmament.
5.  When you can no longer travel even in the US without scrutiny and being tracked.  
6.  When foreign enemies have already attacked and occupied the US.
7.  When the government takes more of your money than you keep?

Any of the above important enough for you to put on your boots and get busy?  If not, what would it take?

Just wondering.  Aren't you?

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