Wednesday, January 09, 2013


A Prepper's Guide to Guns and Ammo

A Scout's motto is 'Be Prepared.'  It should also be every citizen's motto.  Slaves don't need mottos; their governments tell them what to think.

Don't worry, Gentle Reader, we're not going to talk about slaves here today.  It's enough to say that if you've read 'Atlas Shrugged' then you know who the slaves are.

No, we're going to talk about guns and ammo from a Second Amendment perspective: what to acquire to help be better prepared for eventual revolution, should that be required.  Our forefathers thought it prudent to be prepared.  So should we, and for the same reasons.

First, ammo:  This is easy.  Go to any gun show and buy military surplus ammo for your existing weapon(s).  This ammo can be made in the USA, or Greece, or Norway, or any place else.  Making ammo isn't a high-tech industrial skill, so pretty much any governmental source will work fine.  The thing about military ammo is that its projectile is of a type called 'military ball,' also known as 'full metal jacket' or 'FMJ.'  It's very destructive and preferred for use by every military in the world.  You won't need a lot of this ammo.  You'll read why in a moment.

Next, guns:  This is also easy.  First choice is any that will use ordinary military ammo.  This, in a conflict situation, will aid resupply.  The top of this list would be any rifle chambered to handle the Standard NATO 7.62 x 51 round.  This round is also commonly known as .308 Winchester, and the two are interchangeable for our purposes.  It is the ammo fired by the M-60 machine gun, the M-14 rifle, and a variety of earlier generation European weapons.  This particular cartridge, shooting military ball, will penetrate light vehicles and of course softer material.  It is vastly superior in range, accuracy, penetration and stopping power to the lighter military calibers such as 5.56mm, used in the AR-15s and their clones.

There is no second choice for the Privately Owned Weapon (POW).  The AR-15 and its clones are not suitable for the use that a POW will properly be put to during a Second Amendment situation - and that is, to obtain a better weapon.  Yes, Gentle Reader, the only Second Amendment use your existing weapon will have is to help arm you better.  It will help you acquire the weapons your government doesn't want you to have.  Automatic weapons.  Rocket launchers.  Grenades.  Of course, since you'll be in a revolution anyway, maybe it won't matter much that your government disapproves.

Our Founding Fathers noticed that our revolution succeeded because the American citizen fighting the British was as well armed as the British.  So they wrote the Second Amendment to perpetuate that paradigm.  First order of business, then, is to become as well armed as the tyranny.

What about handguns?  Of the millions of handguns issued to US troops in all wars, they have probably not averaged shooting twice in anger each.  Statistically speaking, they simply don't matter.  So if you want one, carry the one you like.

Your Ostrich Killer has done his duty.  You're welcome.  Now, for that next cup of coffee . . .

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