Thursday, June 17, 2010


Whoa, there. Your Ostrich Killer SUPPORTS Arizona's law concerning allowing police officials to question someone's immigration status. So if you're looking for a blog about how to help get rid of that law, you're at the wrong place.

I want to suggest ways that we can encourage and enrich Arizona for having the stones to do what is right. Here are a few possibilities:

1. Vacation in Arizona instead of, say, Los Angeles or Sacramento. This is called a 'buycott.'
2. Buy products made in Arizona when that's a choice. Another buycott.
3. Write blogs like this one.
4. Encourage Arizona to deport illegals to cities and states that have enacted sanctions against Arizona. Just put those illegals on buses or trains and send them to Los Angeles, or Sacramento, or Seattle, or a number of other places. If the actions of the leaders of those localities match their words, those illegals will be quite welcome there.
5. Write your congressmen and women and tell them to support Arizona's law. Make sure they understand that their jobs could be impacted by their rhetoric and actions concerning this issue.

It's a crying shame that a state has to take this sort of action to pick up the slack caused by federal inaction. If only the feds would enforce the laws already on the books . . .

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