Friday, August 13, 2010


Your Ostrich Killer will now ask the question you haven't seen asked by the mainstream media: How is it that JetBlue, the employer of that flight attendant Steven Slater who quit his job by sliding down the emergency slide off an airliner, let a bleeding and unbandaged HIV- positive person work the cabin as a flight attendant?

This individual came in contact w/ hundreds of people daily. Did any of those people know he was both homosexual and HIV-positive? Would they have flown on that flight if they knew?

It takes less than a drop of HIV-infected blood to transfer AIDS to another, through any break in their skin or even any moist membranes, such as the eye. That flight attendant was bleeding before he ever got onto the aircraft, and did not bandage his wound. Surely Jet Blue wouldn't let such a person work in close contact w/ hundreds of unknowing innocents every day, would they? - - Uh, wait. They did. Not even the flight crew or cabin attendants insisted he bandage the wound. Had they been informed that he was HIV positive?

One wonders how far over we must bend for the PC crowd to put it to us. Must we even grab our ankles? Unknowingly risk our own health in order not to offend HIV carriers? It might be different if we knew the risks we were taking. But Jet Blue didn't tell anyone that I know about. I guess they feel that such risks are acceptable. Of course, if they believed that strongly, wouldn't they let us know ahead of time? And isn't it our decision to make as to what risks we're willing to take? Maybe we're just too stupid to make a rational decision about the risks. That must be it.

You can be sure that your Ostrich Killer will NOT be flying Jet Blue. I wonder how they will spin this. On second thought, they won't have to. The mainstream media isn't even raising the question.

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