A couple days ago, when news broke that both Charlie Shumer and Maxine Waters (Democrats in your congress) were being investigated by the House Ethics Committee, your Ostrich Killer thought "Hey, wouldn't it be clever to ask my readers how long they think it would take for someone to squeal that those two were being investigated because they were black?"
Your Ostrich Killer laughed at his own silliness. No one could possibly raise such a stupid objection, he thought. What does skin color have to do with whether or not someone might be guilty of ethical violations? Nothing, that's what. Either they did something questionable, or they didn't. Either way, the investigations would follow the smoking guns to the proper conclusions.
Your Ostrich Killer thought no one would be stupid enough to play the race card.
He was wrong. Read about it at Politico. At least one member of the Congressional Black Caucus has said there's a dual standard being used, one for 'African-Americans' and another for everyone else. I guess he / she means that until they run out of ethics investigations of congressmen of other races, they should leave blacks alone - - oh, wait. No, he / she couldn't possibly mean that, because that would mean using a double standard. He / she wouldn't be for that, would he / she?
The Congressional Black Caucus is by its very nature a racist organization. Its name alone tells us that. Do you see a Congressional White Caucus? Latino Caucus? Irish-American Caucus? Or any other such group? Can you imagine what the race-baiters would make of such organizations?
Once again, the ballet of the absurd is danced by this Congress. Your Ostrich Killer has grave misgivings about the intelligence of an American electorate that could elect so many clowns and functional enemies of our country to high office.
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