Tuesday, September 09, 2014



1.  Michael Sam
The Dallas Cowboys picked him up and put him on their practice squad.  Why?  Yes, it is true that the Cowboys are bereft of talent.  But there are dozens or even hundreds of released players who could have been chosen for that same position.  Why Sam?  Unpleasant rumors abound that the NFL brought discreet pressure to bear for SOMEONE to pick him up.  If so, why?  Your Ostrich Killer has a possible answer - and it is one word: pandering.  Your Ostrich Killer has another question: what incentives were offered to the team that picked him up, if in fact the NFL did bring pressure to bear?  Your Ostrich Killer hopes these rumors are unfounded and that Sam made the squad on his merits, but it will take someone more credible than the NFL's disgraced commissioner or hired mouthpieces to convince me that the NFL is NOT engaging in player selection and social engineering, neither of which is appropriate.

2. Ray Rice
The NFL knew.  They were dragged kicking and screaming to doing the right thing after the rest of the world saw the video and left them no other choice.  Ditto the Ravens.  So now not only Rice, but his wife - his fiancee in the video, who forgave him and married him afterward - are being severely punished.  Part of your Ostrich Killer cynically thinks that she is being punished as severely as he is.  Isn't she?  The NFL has reached a low.

3. Ray McDonald
Felony domestic violence against his pregnant fiancee.  49ers say they will allow him to play until the legal system makes it impossible to play him.  The DA has not announced whether or not there will be charges.  Don't expect any announcement to come soon; this is a situation where it pays to drag the legal feet, if you're a 49er fan.  Not saying the DA is such a fan, but I'm saying this decision seems to be taking an inordinate amount of time, and one cannot help but wonder why.  How is McDonald different than Ray Rice?  McDonald has not been convicted in a court of law like Rice was.  Again, the NFL is SILENT and not smelling like a rose here.  And Hey Jim - show some character and don't play him.

4.  Drug Rules
This is easy, so I'll write it for the NFL:  Any federally illegal substance found during testing will result in immediate suspension for the next eight games, no matter how high or low the concentration.  Second offenses will result in automatic suspension for rest of the calendar year and the following full season including playoffs.  Other specified 'federally legal' substances (such as HGH) are also prohibited and violation penalties are the same as the illegal substance punishments.  Don't like this rule?  Then as a player, don't sign the collective bargaining agreement.  Go sell used cars in Washington state instead, the standards are lower there.

This sort of rule will help set an example worthy for children to emulate.  Note to NFL players:  watch who you hang out with.  Second-hand or 'spiked' anything will not be an excuse.

Really, NFL.  Remember that kids are watching.  Get the sport clean, keep it clean, set a shining example and boot the assholes out of it.

Third cup of coffee is ready now.  Out here.  You're welcome.

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