Another De-coding for Your Reading Pleasure
From time to time we all hear terms used and most times we just let them pass by, assuming we know what those terms mean. But every once in awhile it's a good idea to take a look at how those terms are actually used, by whom, and why.
So here's a term or two to add to your growing lexicon of the evolving American ThinkSpeak language:
1. Feminist (noun) Syn: Envious hater of femininity. A term used by short, fat, ugly female liberals who are disproportionately lesbians to describe other equally repugnant liberal women. There are no 'conservative' feminists. A feminist, who has somehow found a blind male with no sense of smell, is far more likely to abort a baby than is a woman.
2. Rich (adj) A term used by the Obama regime and the other America-hating Occupy dope-smoking welfare begging scumbags to describe another's financial comfort in relation to the person describing them as 'rich.' A person or group is 'rich' if they have more than another party. (noun) syn: Those who do not pay their fair share, as in 'The rich do not pay their fair share of taxes.' (noun) syn: Cheats. No one rich became rich legitimately, as in 'The rich steal from the poor.' (noun) syn: Anyone who does not depend on government for regular fixes of money. The political left hate the rich in part because the rich are not dependent on government for their day to day comfort, and see the rich as a threat to the political left because they help make other people rich too, and the fewer people who depend on the government for money, the fewer votes the left will get. (adj) a pejorative term used exclusively by the left to fan the flames of class envy. (adj) A term used by conservatives to express admiration for another's success.
3. Fair Share (noun) syn: Anything a rich (def. above) party has that another does not. Often used to describe the difference between minimal survival requirements and current comfort level for anyone not taking monthly government bribes in the form of money, food stamps, etc, as in 'The rich are not paying their fair share.' If they did pay this 'fair share,' they would no longer be rich. They would be just as poor as the typical welfare recipient, who would be worse off than ever because the rich can no longer hire or pay workers. The formerly rich would have to close factories and other businesses, because those would have been forfeited to the government at part of the 'fair share.' The government would then give these businesses to political cronies and campaign donors.
4. Social Justice (noun) syn: Taking the fruits of one's labors and giving them to those who do not labor. A concept favored solely by those who hate America and lay about on their dope-smoking illiterate public schooled lazy asses and bitch about not having a summer home in the Hamptons.
It's too late in the day for coffee. Your Ostrich Killer is now going to adjourn for a beer. If you have suggestions for other words to add to this ever-expanding lexicon, please pass them along. Thank you for stopping by.
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