There's a dead black street thug. A non-black guy (Zimmerman) shot him to death. The black community's self-appointed race-baiting 'leadership' (Sharpton, Farakeen, Jackson) pretty much call for lynching Zimmerman. Oh, they were careful to avoid using those exact words. But go back to the news archives for a few days after the killing and read them for yourselves. They were inciting and soliciting murder. Read it for yourselves.
Never read anything in the Mainstream Media (MSM) about other blacks in the public arena saying anything about how wrong that is. According to the media it doesn't seem to matter who did what and why - it's only important that a black street thug is dead and a non-black guy did the killing. The facts don't matter. The truth doesn't matter. Why he's dead doesn't matter. No, what matters is that a common-variety street thug who was black is dead by the actions of a non-black
So what are we to think about this? Your Ostrich Killer suspects that the MSM is waiting breathlessly for the murder of Zimmerman, the non-black killer of that street thug - a murder they will have assisted in bringing about through their one-sided coverage of the sentiment and anger of the black community. I have to believe that murder and lynching is not a commonly held approach to determining the facts of what is at the bottom line a criminal investigation and trial in the American sense. A charged party is innocent in our legal system until proven guilty. But was there coverage of this side of the black community, the side of 'let's see what the facts are, and then if a trial is needed we'll hold that trial'?
Did you see any of that in the MSM?
Either the black community or the media - or both - should be hanging their heads in shame over this lynch-mob rhetoric. If it's just the media's fault, then the black community needs to find a way to let the rest of the country know their true majority thinking - and they shouldn't do it through those disgraceful race-baiters who claim to represent the black community. Nobody appointed or elected them to speak for 36 million blacks. So speak up! Sound like Americans instead of a mob.
I still haven't had my second cup of coffee. Can you tell?
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