Today's blog post is for the entertainment of Americans citizens only. Anyone else may find a certain entertainment value in trying to come up with correct answers as well, and may in fact score better than most Americans. Sadly.
Okay, let's talk about American 'rights.' You know what a right is, right? You hear the word dozens of times every day, until some of us want to throw up at its very mention. But try to hold your lunch.
The United States Constitution provides Americans their rights. They're written down, clear and obvious. But they're in there in two ways: those rights reserved for Government, and those reserved for the citizens. We're going to concern ourselves, in this blog, with those rights that belong to the citizen.
So here's the quiz: which of the below 'rights', semi-colon separated, are rights according to the US Constitution? Pick all that apply.
You have the right to:
A lawyer; a speedy trial; privacy; life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; separation of church and State; vote; own property; offensive speech; health care; a job; associate with whomever you choose to associate; shelter; free exercise of your religion; own and carry firearms; food; not be subjected to unreasonable search and seizure; special treatment if you are of a specified race or gender; money and other necessary resources; health care; transportation; your safety; not associate with whomever you do not want to associate; a cell phone; an abortion; freedom of movement; television; an education.
Good luck. Let your friendly Ostrich Killer know how you do. You can score yourself by consulting your research assistant, Mr. Google, about the US Constitution.
While you're browsing the Constitution, take a look at the Tenth Amendment. Then think about it.
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