Friday, June 04, 2010


The other day I had lunch with a close friend, one who served in the armed services of the United States with distinction. The subject of Israel's blockade of Gaza came up.

I was astounded at my friend's ignorance of history. He said words to the effect that if Britain and the United States hadn't divided up the middle east and helped Jews steal the land that is now Israel from the Palestinians, none of the trouble we see today would be occurring. Then he echoed the MSM (Main Stream Media) line that Israel's enforcement of the blockade had been 'botched' and probably criminal.

He is a frequent listener to PBS, the government-owned and run propaganda radio network.

In thinking about this later, I came to the conclusion that he lacks knowledge, and isn't truly an anti-Semite. I know him to be a man of good will and soft-hearted. He's just ignorant and too lazy to do a little research on the actual history of the situation there. Then I went on to extrapolate that his functional anti-Semitism mirrors much of American thinking, or rather lack of it. Much of what passes for thinking and knowledge in the United States is little more than spouting the latest buzz phrases delivered by the MSM.

So yes, I place a lot of blame on the MSM for the message: Jews are wrong. Never mind that they're trying to prevent re-arming of Hamas, the elected government of Gaza and officially a terrorist organization. Never mind that any time Gaza gets an uninspected shipment of 'humanitarian relief' supplies, a barrage of rocket attacks on Israel ensue.

The MSM is the collective lapdog of the Obama regime. Barack Hussein Obama is an anti-semite, both in words and in actions. Other than Jimmy Carter, he is the only president in recent history to be so obviously an enemy of the Jewish State. So it's no surprise that the MSM, lapdog that it is, spouts Obama anti-semitic propaganda and simply refuses to provide their listeners with the truth about the blockade. So it's no wonder that their historically illiterate and intellectually lazy American audience thinks poorly of Israel for the 'botched' blockade enforcement.

What should Israel have done? Their 'botched' enforcement wound up costing the blockade runners nine lives and deportation. The blockade held. Very humanitarian, among the annals of historical blockade enforcements. And it accomplished its mission.

Your Ostrich Killer, being simpler-minded and less interested in keeping my enemies alive, would have simply sunk the ships who refused to comply with their order to either go into port for the usual (yes, usual) cargo inspections prior to transshipment to Gaza, or to leave those waters. A blockade is a systematic act of war, legitimate and time-honored, but is only useful if the imposing country is willing to enforce it. In short, a blockade is not a blockade if it isn't enforced. Gaza has fired over 4,000 rockets into Israel. I'd say that constitutes a state of war, wouldn't you? Plenty of reason to blockade them.

So I am with the Israelis on this matter. They have the absolute right to self-defense. And I'm talking about forward, active, pre-emptive defense of the sort we, as Americans, would use in their place if we received a constant rain of rockets from across any of our borders. However, apparently the rest of the world thinks their mere existence is an affront to peace and thus should suffer this endless barrage in silence and passively. I am ashamed of my current government's position on this and other matters concerning the state of Israel. And I shake in my boots at the awful prospects for that region as long as Barack Hussein Obama is in power. How long can it be before the states hostile to Israel detect - or think they detect - a Barack Hussein Obama green light to attack Israel? If they do, this time it's likely millions will die. And those deaths will be directly attributable to Barack Hussein Obama.

He needs to go. Thank God he appears to have committed an impeachable offense in trying to bribe people with white house jobs.

My hat is off to Benjamin Netanyahu for his standing up for his country, against pretty much the rest of the world. I'm with you, buddy. And I'm not alone. God be with you and your countrymen.

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