Ho Hum.
Headline news: Police shoot and kill a robbery suspect. The idiot suspect first assaulted, then escaped briefly, then turned and charged back at the police officer. The police officer, after suffering a serious eye injury during the assault, shot him. Reportedly more than a dozen witnesses confirm the injured officer's account of events.But is that particularly news-worthy?
Frankly, it isn't. Happens pretty often. Shot resisting arrest after assaulting a police officer carrying out his duties. Local news, if that.
But wait! The suspect was black.
The police officer was white.
Oh. Well that calls for deploying the professional race baiters (you know who they are - Jackson, Sharpton, Farrakhan, Chris Matthews and most of the liberal national media, and our attorney general Eric Holder) and the common-variety wannabe street thugs looking for any excuse to break into stores and steal merchandise and an ATM. Anyone know how much money is inside an ATM?
I thought police were supposed to shoot looters. That's the proper disposition of looters. But I guess they've delegated that responsibility to the store owners.
But back to the demise of Mr. Michael Brown. He was eighteen, and aside from his sealed juvenile record, he was arrested last November for armed robbery and assault causing serious physical injury during the robbery.
Sounds familiar. Sounds in-character.
Every day blacks die during the commission of a crime. The vast majority of them die at the hands of other blacks. According to most recent stats, for every black killed by a white policeman, 60 are killed by other blacks. Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan and Holder and the media are nowhere to be found following those events. But let a thug die while assaulting a non-black police officer - well, I think you can figure it out.
There's money and political capital to be made by fanning the flames of racial tensions.
Why is the color of skin so important? Why couldn't the news headline, run in a local (because the story is not important enough to make the national news) newspaper on the third page, say something like "Robbery Suspect Killed During Assault on Police Officer" and let the matter rest there? Because all evidence points to that situation being exactly what happened.
What happened to a media that reported the news, instead of inventing it?
I have the hopefully overly cynical suspicion that the media won't be satisfied until they can run a headline that reads something like "Police Officer Who Killed Michael Brown Hunted Down. He and Family Slain by Black Mob." Remembering the Tawana Brawley and Zimmerman stories and comparing them to this drags your Ostrich Killer to that cynical suspicion. The similarities are just too compelling. Why else publish the officer's name? Why else publish maps to his home?
A common variety street thug is dead. That's good for his neighborhood and society in general. I can't wait for the tox screen to come back on him. My guess is crank or PCP. And I can't wait to hear what the professional race-baiters have to say about it then. My guess is they'll keep their mouths shut.
My guess is also that both Rush and Michael Medved will speak dispassionately and logically on the matter, and be accused of racism by the race-baiters and their butt-kissing swarms of drones.
I need a second cup of coffee. Your Ostrich Killer out for now.
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