Federal Armies Being Amassed
Recently the Posse Comitatus laws were 'amended' by Congress to allow use of the US Military against the citizens of the United States, within the United States. Additionally, many federal agencies are arming themselves. The Department of Homeland Security alone has ordered two billion rounds of small arms ammo, enough for 30 years of a Vietnam-level conflict, and 2,700 mine-resistant armored personnel carriers.
Should not the informed and engaged citizen do likewise? Should we not acquire personal firearms and ammo stocks and otherwise prepare to join a new American revolution, should it come? Wouldn't that be prudent? Wouldn't that be in the American tradition?
Guns are bad, though. Right? Don't you hear that daily from democrats? From liberals? From 'progressives?'
It should come as no surprise that most democrats are anti-gun. Democrats are big government acolytes, and big government requires citizen cooperation or submission, or - gasp - compulsion. Compelling an armed citizenry is more difficult than compelling a disarmed citizenry. Duh.
The framers of our Constitution, fresh from shooting tyrants in order to win our freedoms, understood that guns are for shooting tyrants. That's why they wrote the Second Amendment as they did - to guarantee that future generations of Americans would be able to shoot tyrants again if needed. The Second Amendment is not about making sure we can shoot Bambi or burglars. The Second Amendment is what assures that all the other amendments stay in place.
Most democrats want to subjugate the population of this country to government rule. That's why they are waging wars against anonymity, against personal mobility, against economical food, against energy independence, against the accumulation of wealth, against privacy, and above all against the expression of truth and thoughts. But to subjugate a large population of armed citizens - well, how to go about it?
They implement the Czechoslovakian model.
To summarize the Czechoslovakian mode., you find out where the guns are. You do that through registration and such seemingly innocuous means as 'background checks' before allowing a purchase, or having your doctor ask your children during a sports physical if there are guns in your house, or having teachers ask the same sorts of questions, etc. All that info goes into databases. And our government is nothing if not able to access any databases they like. That's why they require those questions be asked.
Next, you generate as much anti-gun sentiment as possible. That's hard to do, except in areas where people don't hunt or sport shoot. Big cities and their immediate suburbs, in other words. But those areas are home to close to half of Americans. The other half have their share of anti-gun thinkers too, although far fewer. So to generate even more anti-gun sentiment, the democrats fan the flames of fear by leveraging every gun-related event. They view Columbine and other such tragedies as golden opportunities, getting legislation passed that would have done nothing to prevent such tragedies but 'felt good' and satisfied the idiot citizen's wish that 'somebody do something.' You can depend on some democrat - always a democrat, by the way - to be the first to propose new legislation following any gun-related tragedy.
Finally, you confiscate. At first you do this by confiscating weapons from people who commit felonies. Then you confiscate weapons from people who commit misdemeanors. Then you confiscate from people whose medical records contain any hint of mental abnormality. Then you confiscate from people who write blogs like this one. You boil the confiscation frog slowly and incrementally, lest you alarm the armed populace. You do it 'for the good of Americans.' You take generations to do it, and you grease the skids through media and public indoctrination centers, commonly known as 'schools.' Who needs guns, after all? We have police to protect us. So give us your guns and we'll protect you. We'll protect Bambi and Peter Cottontail too. You don't want Bambi and Peter Cottontail shot do you? And your neighbors will feel safer too.
Who will protect us? Turns out we also have Homeland Security agents with two billion rounds of small arms ammo and 2,700 mine-resistant armored vehicles to protect us from terrorists. They must know something about terrorists that we don't, to be armed to the teeth like that. The ammo alone is enough to supply a Vietnam-level war for 30 years. And we have the USDA armed agents to protect us. The Post office. Seldom does a week pass that we don't read of another federal agency arming itself. Why? Against who?
Now even the military can be used against American citizens. However, the military is made up of patriots, and a president attempting to invoke their might against the citizenry may well instead provoke the military into taking action against the government itself as they uphold their oath to protect the Constitution against 'enemies, foreign and domestic.' In this case the federal government would be the domestic enemy. So what forces could the federal government use against its citizens? Homeland Security, The USDA, Post Office, and any number of other federal departments, whose allegiance to their government paycheck is strong and their appreciation for traditional American freedoms weak.
Obama and the democrats are building an army of federal agents that can be used against its citizens. They fear that at some point we will start shooting the agents of tyranny, as our founding fathers meant for us to do when necessary. They want an army they can depend on.
So of course a disarmed citizenry would be helpful.
Your Ostrich Killer's advice: don't disarm, and don't cooperate with the forces and agencies who would help enable disarming our citizenry.
A second cup of coffee is calling me . . .
A second cup of coffee is calling me . . .
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