Monday, September 09, 2013

Breathtaking Arrogance and Ingenuousness!

Assad Promises Asymmetrical Responses

Kerry promises an "unbelievably small" strike.  Assad warns us to "expect anything" if we do strike.

I don't think Assad has in mind a military-style response.  My experience and observation is that when a dictator has his back to the wall - which Assad does, with just the rebels - he uses other ways to strike his enemies, ways that go by the general name of asymmetric warfare.  Watching the interview he gave, it's clear to me that he was saying exactly that.

No one in official position has told this to the press, or if they have the press hasn't covered it.  But you know your Ostrich Killer will, so here's a list of asymmetric possibilities:

Kidnappings of families of diplomats, government employees, and service members world-wide, probably topped off by HD video beheadings, to be broadcast on CBS and Al Jazeera.  Iran-proxy army hezbollah striking Israeli cities with chemicals, which Assad will supply if hezbollah doesn't already have them.  The Arab middle east uniting behind anyone striking Israel ("My family and I against our neighbors, my neighbors and I against strangers,") which means an Iran-Syria led general war of extinction with Israel.  Israel has nukes.  Do you think Israel will go quietly into the night?  Do you think they will spare any arab target?  

And that's just for openers.  Ask yourself what the sponsors of those countries will do to assist them.

Asymmetric warfare can quickly explode globally, warfare fueled emotionally by videos of panicked and crying blond-haired children begging for their mommas while hooded arabs saw off their heads.

That's one type of asymmetric warfare.  Use your imagination to come up with others.  Wives and daughters kidnapped and used to produce prime-time rape-and-snuff videos?  Sure.  Mall massacres?  Expect them.  Same for schools and churches.  Anything you can imagine is either being considered or is already planned. 

The Obama regime thinks they can conduct a strike and suffer - or trigger - no consequences, not even asymmetric ones.

These people are worse than dreamers, they are arrogant and stupid and believe in their own invulnerability, and are going to get a lot of people killed. And for what?  To keep our enemies from killing each other? 

Brain dead, the entire lot of them.

That's not news to you, of course, my gentle readers.

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