Or, the Goose / Gander Model
Never let it be said that your kinder, gentler Ostrich Killer is not interested in re-purposing to save money.
With that caveat in mind, let's explore (briefly) the concept of background checks for all gun buyers. Ignoring the logistical and financial burdens of tens of millions of such checks, the setting of criteria of who is disqualified for gun ownership can also be applied to other disqualifications.
Voting, for example.
Citizen Jones fails a background check for gun ownership? Then Jones' name is automatically removed from voter registration lists and 'flagged' to alert officials that re-registration is to be denied.
Background checks for gun buyers is supposed to make us all safer.
What could be deadlier than a mentally or criminally inferior voter population in the general electorate? Look what they got us the last two elections.
Okay, okay. I take that back. I shouldn't have called all those voters mentally or criminally inferior. My apologies to those voters, although none of them read this blog. Most of those voters are just rationally challenged - either too uninformed or lazy to do the thinking necessary to cast a responsible vote.
It's early yet. Back to the coffee pot.
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