And Any Other Federal Health Care Programs Too
Okay, brace yourselves, o gentle reader. You're about to read about the 'good old days.'
In the Good Old Days (before, say, 1970) if one wanted health care, they paid for it. If they couldn't afford it, they either did without or worked something out with the hospital / doctor. This unenlightened approach - treating health care as a commodity (like a visit to your local barber shop or hair stylist) instead of a right - was the natural result of noticing that the US Constitution did not include 'health care' as a right anywhere within it.
It still isn't in there. And in those good old days, people seemed to get along pretty well, health-wise and longevity-wise. Doctors did okay too.
Then along came health insurance. Actually, this started much earlier in our history. Its purpose was simple and obvious: like all insurances, it was to provide a risk transfer mechanism for those who weren't sure they would be able to pay for a serious round of health care. Like all risk transfer mechanisms, the customer was the sole decider of whether or not they needed it. Then some large businesses started including health insurance as an employee recruiting and retention tool. After all, it didn't cost much (in the Good Old Days.)
Of course, they didn't tell their employees that the cost of that insurance was being offset by decrements to their paychecks . . . which meant, in simplest terms, that the employee was forced into buying company-provided health care, whether they wanted it or not. Put even more simply, the employee would have larger paychecks if they were not REQUIRED to have the company - provided plan.
Some enlightened companies understood this and offered their employees an option: a larger paycheck w/out health care, or health care with a smaller paycheck. Correct me if I'm wrong about this, o gentle reader, but that employee option has been removed from all businesses, most likely due to legislation.
It certainly hasn't escaped your notice that anything provided by the Feds costs at least twice as much as it would cost in a free market, through enterprise and entrepreneurship It probably hasn't escaped your notice, either, that health care costs (meaning insurance) have risen sharply, much faster than the rate of inflation. The Feds would have us believe this is a natural consequence of better medical technology. The truth is that it's a natural result of layer upon layer of Federal oversight staffs, auditors, auditors of the auditors, insurance oversight, auditors of the auditors of the insurance industry, and so on. All those people have to get paid. They all have to work in buildings, in offices furnished w/ taxpayer-provided desks and other furniture and computers with which to oversee and audit and audit the auditors.
Looking at this another way, Obamacare is a federal worker's jobs program. Tens of thousands of IRS employees have been hired just to review tax returns for proof of health care coverage. Look at all the tens of thousands of other employees . . . But we've already discussed that.
We don't need a federal jobs program whose cost is a good seventh of our GDP - another way of saying a seventh of what you earn. What we need is choices - which Obamacare denies - and a sense of personal responsibility for our own health. Got the clap? Go to the doctor and get a shot of penicillin. Pay for it. Walk out. Guess what? That won't be possible under Obamacare. No, you'll have to have exhaustive diagnostics run (to help reduce the likelihood of a malpractice suit and indemnify the insurance company), samples taken, the data entered into the Medical Information Bureau's database and into the Social Disease (or whatever it's called these days) registry. All this, of course, once you've shown your Obamacare proof of insurance.
But that's no different than it is now, you're about to point out. True. Except for two things: the cost (far more than even the current punitive costs) and your choices. You don't have a choice: you MUST have Obamacare. You can't elect, because you're young and healthy, for example, doing without any form of health insurance except perhaps for catastrophic coverage. Nope. Everyone into the same pool. The healthy pay for the sick. The males pay for female contraception (a purely voluntary medical action) and even abortion ('reproductive rights,' we're told by NARAL and others, includes the right to have other people pay for your abortion. I looked in the US Constitution and did not see such a right.) - never mind that your religion condemns abortion. Non-smokers pay for smokers.
It's ridiculous. So your Ostrich Killer says Back to the Good Old Days. Want health care? Go get it. Pay for it (it would be a LOT less expensive.) Or do without, just like you'd do without a visit to the barbershop or hair stylist. Seemed to work pretty well for a very long time. Those uninsured people built this country into the greatest nation in the history of the Earth. What have we, the nanny-state children, done? And even more importantly, what are we doing? More directly, what are YOU doing?
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