Wednesday, November 07, 2012



1.  Pretend to believe an attractive lie so that they don't have to act on an unpleasant truth.
2.  Believe the major media.
3.  Think celebrities are smart about politics and should be listened to.
4.  Want to tax heavily anyone who doesn't depend on government.
5.  Have not grown up into adults - they think and act like little children, who only know what they want.
6.  Are the result of two generations of hate white America indoctrination in public schools.
7.  Will vote for anyone who promises 'free stuff.'  Just like a kid.
8.  Don't care about national security, or the security of our international friends.  Free stuff is much more important.
9.  Lack moral standards, and think this is a positive thing.
10.  Prefer to parrot slogans because it's easier than thinking.

Your Ostrich Killer knows you can add to this list.  Send your additions to me and I'll post them w/ credit.

It's a sad, sad day for America.

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