Monday, August 08, 2011


Read it here first, folks. Since raising income taxes even to 100% on every dollar made by "those who can afford to pay a little more" (Obama's words) will not generate even a half trillion dollars - much less revenue than needed - it's clear what's been waiting on Obama's back burner for the right time to serve it up.


Asset taxes.

Sounds harmless, doesn't it? We already pay income taxes, why not 'Asset' Taxes?

Many of you know of states that already do that. They tax every sofa, every refrigerator, every this or that you own. Every year. It goes by a variety of names, sometimes called 'property taxes,' with property being defined as anything you have. In those states, you don't own anything. You have something, you have to pay what amounts to annual rent to the state in order to keep it.

Now try to imagine this on a federal basis. Taxes on everything you think you own. You'll pay sales taxes to the state to buy anything, in some states you'll continue to pay taxes every year on those things, and now - you'll pay a similar tax to the Federal government.

Imagine your 401K, your IRA, your Keogh plan, your corporate-funded vested retirement plan all being taxed over and above the income tax you'll pay as you start having to rely on them for your retirement. And keep in mind that anything they can tax, they can confiscate. They can 'Federalize.'

How to counter this threat? - - buy now, with cash or trade (any check / credit / debit transaction can be traced), items that will always be of value in a barter society, because that's where this country is headed; the 'alternative' economy is about to become the 'mainstream' economy. Think essentials useful for barter, not baubles. What items are essentials?

I propose to get an idea what those essentials might be, your Ostrich Killer recommends reading a best-selling novel titled 'One Second After.' Here are some of those essentials: First, some sort of skill valuable to a small community's survival. Next, and I make no apologies for this - standard caliber guns and ammo. By 'standard caliber' your Ostrich Killer means .22, .30-06, .223 (5.56 mm), 7.62 Nato, and high-base 12-gauge shotgun ammo. This will be very sought-after barter material, especially because sales of ammo and guns will be encumbered with massive new 'limits' and Federal paperwork / approval required.

Non-perishable food and health items will be valuable. Tools, especially garden implements. Power generation equipment. Let your imagination run, and read 'One Second After.'

Your Ostrich Killer hopes even more than you do that this prediction is wrong. But your Ostrich Killer has a very unfortunate record of making accurate predictions. Read this that I put together more than 10 years ago, and see for yourself.

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