Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Incumbent Democrats in Congress who are running for re-election this year have to be wondering about the answer to this question: if a Republican can win handily in a state where the history and conventional wisdom says the Democrat should win in a landslide, what does that imply about Congressional elections in states where those races are generally closer?

Since the answer is pretty obvious, that means a second question is necessary: how do incumbent Democrats improve their chances of re-election?

Here are some possible answers to that one:
1. Change parties in both name, rhetoric and voting habits, or
2. just change their voting on spending, taxing and social re-engineering issues, or
3. lie loudly and often enough to do what Obama did - fool the electorate.
4. Recognize that their rhetoric and voting record are irrefutable and unescapable, and not run for re-election.

The electorate can be fooled. One can point to any number of examples of that, only the latest and most egregious of which is the poser Barack Hussein Obama. So your Ostrich Killer will make a prediction: we, the American electorate, will see all four choices attempted. But being once burned, we will be twice shy of anyone with a 'Democrat' or 'Liberal' label.

The new Congress will have a new agenda: how to get started dismantling all the harm that was done by the outgoing Congress. I'd suggest using a sledge hammer would be a good beginning.

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