The Unprinted Truth about the Wall Street Woes
You faithful readers knew the Ostrich Killer would have to shed some light on this topic, didn't you? Your wait is herein rewarded. Read on.
Just as the major media won't investigate or print anything they know about Barack Hussein Obama's past actions and associates, they won't investigate or print anything they know about ANYTHING that might prove embarrassing or damaging to his chances for election. So hear it here: most of the dive in the share prices of our investments can be laid at the doorstep of the DNC (Democratic National Committee), who brought us Obama, a man of charisma but no substance. The sagging market is a vote of no confidence in the freely expressed Marxist policies that an Obama presidency will bring to this formerly free country, a country where people were free to succeed and also free to fail. Failure is healthy; it's a prerequisite for success.
Market regulation is a little like salt in the soup; the least amount you can get away with is the best. Obama promises to dramatically increase regulation; his lap-dog, brain-dead majority congress will aid and abet in this subversion of free enterprise until the average investor - anyone who has mutual funds or stocks or any other equities in their retirement accounts, for example - cannot hope to make a savvy investment and get rewarded. Businesses won't start up, because people won't be interested in investing if they can't expect a suitable reward.
Why won't they be rewarded, you ask? Because the Age of Obama promises Equality of Outcome. Marxism - "to each according to their needs, from each according to their abilities." In other words, take from the successful and give it to the failures. Equality of outcomes, irrespective of inputs. A sure recipe for creation of an entire population of takers, the extinction of do-ers.
What do you think the successful will do, if that actually comes to pass? Easy. Just ask yourself what you would do. I'll bet you'd take your money and run. Run, to a place out of this country where there might be a better chance to grow personal wealth for your family. Run, with your corporation to a country where the tax situation promises a better bottom line for shareholders.
Can you imagine, for example, Boeing becoming a South African country? Or Japanese? Or Indian? Well, you'll see things like that with an Obama presidency. Successful people and businesses do what it takes, within the law, to be successful. If that means moving, so be it.
Is this prospect something you'd like to see? If not, vote conservative.
Your Ostrich Killer now returns to his kitchen for another cup of coffee.
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