Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Hate Crime - Mind Reading???

Two identical murders are committed. In one, the perpetrator is silent. In the other, the perpetrator says 'Take that, nigger!'

The latter would be labeled a hate crime and the perpetrator punished more severely than the other perp.


Aren't both victims equally dead?

Aren't laws about behavior, not thoughts?

Don't you wonder about the justification for the extra punishment of the second perp?

Obviously, the extra punishment is for what he said - or, as some might have you believe, for hating. - - - Amazing. Punishing for an emotion. What's next, folks?

Let's make this straw man even more interesting: perp one is white, perp two is black. Both victims are black. Do we have a hate crime? If not, what is the special distinction? That a black can't commit a hate crime against another black?

Go ahead and play with this straw man for yourself. Ask yourself questions 'what if'. Don't be surprised to come to the conclusion that 'hate crimes' are just crimes with politically incorrect overtones to them. Don't be surprised that you come to the conclusion that 'hate crimes' should be taken off the book, and behavior serve as the only criteria for determining if a crime has been committed.

Punish behavior, not thought. Even the most astute jurist cannot read minds.

Punish behavior, not speech. We're all entitled to free speech, even offensive speech.

Take hate crimes off the books. Tell your elected officials to do it.

If you don't, don't be surprised to learn you've committed one someday.

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