Saturday, March 26, 2011


My mother told me once: "People will judge you by the company you keep." She meant if I hang out with losers, people would consider me a loser. Or if I fly in clouds with the fast movers, I'd be considered a fast mover and shaker too.

The same goes for international alliances. Sometimes political alliances are made up of pretty stinky parties. Which brings us to the topic above.

Who is this muslim brotherhood that is neck-deep in all the uprisings in the middle east - Egypt, Yemen, Syria, Jordan, Libya? News flash - the Libyan rebel forces include Al Qaeda troops.

We blew up a couple hundred million dollars' worth of cruise missiles to help the Libyan rebel forces. Our men and women are at risk hourly in that conflict. Fighting on the same side as the Al Qaeda troops.

What do we know of the fighters in Libya? We know that they are being helped by Al Qaeda. So I wonder: is it just true that the friend of my friend is my friend, which makes Al Qaeda our ally in this conflict, or is it also true that the friend of my enemy is my enemy - which means we should switch sides and bomb the crap out of rebel forces, in hopes of killing a few Al Qaeda?

Your Ostrich Killer, who can never be accused of 20/20 hindsight, said from the very first day that our involvement was not based on adequate knowledge of just who we were helping. I guess the proof of that is becoming more obvious. We are fighting on the same side as Al Qaeda.

I understand that Wal Mart is now selling snowballs from hell. I saw a flock of pigs flying over the house yesterday. And I lived to see a President violate the Constitution by sending US forces to fight in a conflict that had no national security overtones, without first gaining the consent of Congress.

If Clinton can get impeached by lying about getting a BJ, what should happen to a President who knowingly and willfully sends American Forces into harm's way without Constitutionally required Congressional approval?