We love you. By 'We', I mean we normal citizens of the United States of America, the former shining beacon on a hill. I assure you of this, because since the election of our aberrant president who you know as Barack Hussein Obama, you may justifiably have doubts that this is still so.
Please do not confuse what passes for foreign policy as it comes from Obama, with the sentiments of the American Citizenry. Yes, we voted him in. Some of us knew what a disaster he would be and did not vote for him. Unfortunately, we were in the minority. Now you will pay as dear a price as will we American citizens. We have already begun. So have you.
You folks in Czechoslovakia and Poland understand of what I, your grief-stricken Ostrich Killer, speak. You folks in Europe of whatever language understand. You new eastern European nations, former Soviet satellite states, know even better. Latvia. Lithuania. Albania. Kazakhstan. All you other Stans. Especially Georgia. You have every reason to be alarmed at Obama rhetoric and actions. And Israel. Can you survive Obama? You'll have to fend for yourself no matter the threat or menace to you, because Obama has shown every sign of abandoning you and siding with your enemies. Prepare. You may be forced into pre-emption, since you can't depend on support to survive an attack.
But if you are a former enemy, rejoice. Obama has held out the olive branch. He has signaled repeatedly that he wishes to do your bidding. He has signaled, as has this lapdog congress, that his goal and theirs is a more humble, vulnerable United States of America. A less influential, less powerful economically and militarily, United States of America. A suicidal America.
So if you're an enemy, the time to attack us is in about two years. By that time we'll be prostrated economically, our military will be in an ill-trained, ill-equipped shambles, Obama will have castrated our nuclear deterrent, and of course Obama is simply not willing to fight for traditional American survival. No, he wants a new type of country, one modeled after Marx and Lenin's teachings. The sort of country most attackers will convert us to. Mr. Obama will be, of course, Collaborator in Chief. - - Wait. On further consideration, maybe he already is . . .
Were you an ally of ours? If you were, now is the time to prepare for going it alone, because the Ostrich Killer doesn't see Obama living up to any treaties with you.
I can't wait to see him out of office. I know you allies have the same sentiments. Let's pray for each other.