Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Okay, so enough of you ostriches pulled your heads out of your holes to elect Barack Hussein Obama. And now he's doing his damndest to dismantle the United States, if not economically then militarily. He wants a weaker, more humble and vulnerable United States - not the baddest dog on the planet that he inherited. He wants our enemies to love us. He doesn't care what our late friends might think of us. I think there's an ancient Arab saying . . .

I guess he never saw Shaka Zulu, who at one point pronounced that it was prudent to 'leave no live enemy behind you.' I'm absolutely certain that he never read Sun Tzu. I'm even more certain that he hasn't read the Tenth Amendment, or for that matter much of the rest of the U.S. Constitution. In fact, I'm sure he has personal staff whose primary duties are to find ways to circumvent it. Never a day in the military, and he's Commander in Chief. A rabble rouser - oh, I'm sorry, I meant Community Organizer - in Chicago, to 141 days in the US Congress, to President. And you ostriches elected him.

I will graciously point out that not one of my previous political predictions or pontificatorial blatherings came to pass; I attribute that to the surprising number of ostriches out there.

So okay, you ostriches: you won one. I am sincere when I say that I pray that we all don't live to regret it more than we already do. While I would normally be pleased that McCain did not get elected, the alternative is worse. Way, way worse. And uncharacteristically, I hope I'm wrong about this too.

See how cleverly the left, especially Barack Hussein Obama and his Homeland Security bitch - hey, isn't that a rock group? You remember, BO and the Bitch? - I digress. Back to the point: see how cleverly the left has linked the words 'right wing' and 'radicals'? As though they are synonymns. Right wing? Then you're a radical. Radical? You must be right wing. And look at how they describe them - let me lift directly from their words: you might be a right wing radical if you ". . . are dedicated to a single-issue, such as opposition to abortion or illegal immigration."

Damn, I'm in both those example groups. They said they'd be watching people in those groups.

More: if you're part of a group that ". . . reject(s) federal authority in favor of state or local authority" you're probably a right wing radical. I guess only right wing radicals have read and understand the Tenth Amendment.

Crap. Now I'm three for three. I guess that means I'm being watched.

The report from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) goes on to say that 'extremist' groups are using the election of Barack Hussein Obama as a recruiting tool - they imply that it's a successful technique.

The musket-armed farmers of the Colonies were 'extremists'. They founded the finest, freest country in the history of the world. It isn't beyond imagining that their descendants might do Americans a similar favor, given enough reason. That's the point of the Second Amendment - to make sure an armed citizenry is capable of overthrowing a tyrannical government. The Second Amendment is not about making sure we can go out and shoot Bambi, or ward off the boogy man in our houses. It only takes a moment of reflection upon the times during which the amendment was written to understand perfectly what it's about.

But again I digress. Next topic:

Spare me! You want me to cooperate in 'green'? Then make it more cost effective; show me how it reduces the rate at which the green leaves my wallet. Don't blow 'future savings' vapor in my face (or anywhere else) if you want me to play along. Show me how it saves me money at the cash register this month. Until then, color me CARBON POSITIVE and proud of it. And why not? What's wrong with carbon? It's a large fraction of what we're made. Carbon dioxide is necessary for healthy plants. Without it they die, and so do the rest of us.

What's the worst global warming (a myth, but allow me this) can do? - - answer: green the snow-covered northern reaches, creating more arable ground for raising crops and feeding the hungry.

Is that such a bad thing? With so much of our global food crops being burned as fuel instead of turned into Hamburger Helper, wouldn't more arable land be welcome? You bet!

Don't tell me I can't crap in the ocean; whales and fish and birds do it. Why not me? Why should I only be able to crap on the one third of the earth that is dry land? Go ahead, explain that logically.

Recycle: the dirty truth is that it costs more to recycle than to use raw materials. No one counts the cost of the work it takes for individuals to sort and package and deliver recyclable items to processors. That's free, I guess. Sort of a Good Citizen contribution. Gets them off the couch, out from behind that TV set. Good for their health, right? But why not put it all into the landfill, so that future generations of land fill miners can make a living?

Okay, so I'm having too much fun. But it's so easy to poke fun at the envirowacko green left. They're such easy, uninformed illogical targets.

Your Ostrich Killer must now leave this missive to refill his cup with fossil-fuel heated coffee. MMM, Good! While I'm gone, you can read one of my poems: http://blizzardguy.com/microbus.htm

Out for now. Enjoy.