Monday, October 30, 2006

Islam: Not a religion, a death cult

Seems to The Ostrich Killer that a 'religion' that follows Friday services with riots and death and homicide bombings is not a religion, but a cult of death.

Seems to The Ostrich Killer that a 'religion' whose main prophet took a six-year-old bride has serious issues with credibility.

Seems to The Ostrich Killer that any 'religion' responsible for 99+% of all acts of terror in the name of religion cannot deny that there is a link between their 'religion' and global terrorism.

Seems to The Ostrich Killer that if your country is attacked in the name of 'religion', then you are in a religious war.

Seems to The Ostrich Killer that if followers of a 'religion', in whose name global terror is carried out, remain effectively silent on that terrorism, then they are supporters of that terrorism.

Seems to The Ostrich Killer that Shaka Zulu's words "Leave no live enemy behind you" might be worth considering as a tactic in the War on Terror.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Just because we have free speech doesn't mean we cannot be held accountable for our words.

Here's a BFO: words mean things. Say the wrong words that mean the wrong things and our butts will wind up in jail. That's not a violation of our rights.

So, as you go about your daily business, and you utter words, remember to use them thoughtfully.

You're welcome. The Ostrich Killer is always pleased when his readers express their gratitude for the way he simplifies the obvious.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

On journalistic privilege:

If a journalist cannot be required to reveal their 'usually reliable sources' for a big news story, what is to keep them from simply making up the news?

Just a thought from your friendly Ostrich Killer.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

On negotiating:

Isn't the very root of negotiating a certain amount of trust between the negotiating parties? Yes? Okay, then what does one do when one wants a certain type of behavior out of another party, but one cannot trust that party because they have demonstrated they will not keep their word?

(Final Jeopardy theme here . . .)

And the question is: What is 'Offer an ultimatum'?


Now, about North Korea . . .

The Ostrich Killer goes back to sleep, having made another telling point.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Okay, here's my first nomination for membership in the Ostrich Society: The entire mainstream media. Yes, that's a lot. A whole lot. So what qualifies them? The Foley page scandal.

In a nutshell, what the entire mainstream media refuses to acknowledge is that the age of consent in DC is 16. The age of the page in question was 18. A congressman said some racey things to that page. So? The Ostrich Killer now goes back to sleep . . .

Oh, wait. We've heard the words 'pedophile' and 'homosexual'. Since it's impossible to be pedophilic if you're, uh, engaging someone of legal age, that label clearly doesn't apply. That leaves 'homosexual'. But haven't we all been hammered by liberal leaders endlessly to be more tolerant of homosexuals and their behaviors? Yet here's the mainstream media, along with most of the left wing in Congress, hammering Foley for doing what, in the final analysis, is legal. Maybe not ethical, but legal. Why? Because he's a homosexual? Would this same level of finger pointing and name calling be leveled against a congressman who engaged in legal heterosexual activity?

You be the judge. In the meantime, I need another beer.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Welcome to The Ostrich Killer, a blog dedicated to de-spinning what should be the obvious.

Is that nebulous enough? Really, the purpose here is to clearly state the news, and its interpretations, so that people like myself can better understand it. That means removing all spin, stating the known facts simply and without the use of 'trigger' or evocative rhetoric, and then sometimes making a swift comment about it.

Why 'Ostrich Killer'? You know that ostriches, when confronted w/ a threat, are rumored to stick their heads in the sand.* That's so they can pretend the threat doesn't exist, so they don't have to take any further action on the matter. You see, recognizing a situation means that it must be dealt with. However, if you pretend that it doesn't exist . . . well, you get the idea.

Believe it or not, it is a common human trait to pretend - to even convince oneself - to believe an attractive lie rather than an ugly truth, because recognizing the truth means - yes, you got it - having to do something about it. We all know people like this, people who will invent the wildest conspiracies or exotic stories to support what they'd prefer to believe, rather than acknowledge the truth which sits right there in front of them.

I call these people ostriches. Hence, this blog. Here's to the Ostriches, those who choose to ignore the obvious. From time to time I'll nominate people for membership in the Ostrich Society, in recognition of their uncommon self delusions.

Now, I'll let this simple introduction sit for a day or so while the world turns, then add my first news item. Stay tuned.

* - Contrary to the rumors, ostriches don't really stick their heads in the sand. But they make a good icon for the type of people we're talking about here, right?